Part 3

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"Aunty, actually I will never like your daughter as a woman, so don't worry!",he said. "Thank God!", Your mother dramatically fanned herself. "Yah! Just spill! How did it go yesterday",he jumped on the one side of bed.

"Yah! Jungkook! What are you? Five year old kid? She is getting married soon, better behave like a grown man and treat her like a lady, not an elementary school kid", your mom rolled her eyes.

"Does that mean, you accepted the wedding proposal?",he asked. You nodded. "Wow!",he amused.

"Yah! Let her atleast get ready, now you get out", your mom dragged him outside. You quickly took shower. You had breakfast and went to college with Jungkook. You were so silent.

You couldn't just stop thinking how things will be changing from now. You will have a lot of responsibility. You will have to take care of things on your own. No more babying. You were restless.

Jungkook noticed your silence. He just took your hands in his'. "Relax! Why are you so restless?",he asked. "The thought of getting married is a little scary", you said.

"You know what, if you don't want this, run away, I will elope with you",he said. "Cut the crap! He was handsome though",you sheepishly smiled.

Jungkook chuckled at your behaviour. You reached your college. Basically, you shared everything with your friends. "Omg! Omg! This is such big news!", Lily squealed.

"Who's he? Was he hot? Was he handsome? Spill everything!",she was excited. "He is the youngest son of Kim Corporations",you said. "What? Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?", Jungkook asked.

"Yes! What were you talking with my mom then?",you asked. "Leave him. You tell", Lily said. "Uhm, he was handsome but kinda cold and also seems straightforward", you said.

Taehyung had two elder brothers. Jin and Namjoon. They were also married. As you all expected Jimin is Taehyung's best friend.

"Hey, don't you remember him? We have met them before", Jungkook said. "Eh? When?",you asked.

"Long back, at some business party. I remember him. Well, he was handsome", Jungkook said. "Oh! I honestly don't remember",you said. Your friends cheered you a lot.

But others started spinning unwanted rumours. "Wtf, she is just 19 and getting married already?" "Well, her family is rich, she is going to get married to another rich family, her life is settled"

"It's just unfair, she gets everything she wants, just because of money"  Well you really didn't mind others. But still you became the centre of attraction.

Some of your teachers were concerned about your studies. They even asked you about the rushing of this wedding.

Well, it's just to sign a business deal soon. But you were not really comfortable about telling that and letting your family down. Slowly, the boys in your class started to move away from you or started to focus their attention somewhere else.

Because you were out of the teens league. You cared less. Because Jungkook was there. He was supporting you constantly. After Taehyung got your number he didn't text much.

Just a good night would come. Mostly you would ask him how his day was. It was okay actually. He seemed like a reserved person. One day, you were peacefully eating lunch with Jungkook. You got a text.

You almost choked after seeing the text. "Are you free after today's class?", Taehyung texted you. "Look! Finally he asked me this!",you behaved like a child.

"Probably for asking wedding related stuff , don't dream a date", he crushed your excitement. "Oh!", Your face fell. You replied that you were free.

"Hey! Looks like you already like him", Jungkook said. "We did meet him for family dinners, even though he doesn't talk much, he is a softie", you smiled.

"Okay! I'll pick you up from your college", Taehyung replied. You shoved the phone into Jungkook's face. "Look!", You giggled. "Y/n ah! You know what you are obsessed with!", Jungkook said.

"Whatever! It will be like a mini date!", You covered your mouth in happiness. You were flying all day. "Y/n ah! Have a pleasant evening", Lily mocked. "I will", you giggled and went.

"Lily, have you ever jumped up and down like this, when I asked you out for a date", Ji won, her boyfriend asked her. "I did, but it was in the beginning, she too will change, it's just a phase everyone goes through.

"What I am more concerned about is, about her fiancé, does he even care about her? I mean, he is doing as if he has to complete his duty", Jungkook sighed.

"Come on! He must act matured enough, because look at their age gap, so he must be concerned and careful", Lily said.

You were walking in your own world. "Wow! That's Kim Taehyung right?!", Jungkook pointed towards a man. He was leaning against the car and waiting for you. Your eyes brimmed with happiness.

Well, you were positive about this relationship, because of your elder sister. When they engaged her with Yoongi, you were all quite not sure. He seemed cold and distant.

But as days passed you witnessed how happy your sister was. "Well, he does seem cold but he loves me a lot. He opens up to me. We have no problem in our relationship, actually he is the best I can ask for", Hyunjoo would keep bragging about him.

Hoseok was completely different, he was easily approachable, where Hee ji and him would always go on dates. Even their relationship turned out to be good.

"It's not like we don't fight or argue, we have our ways to resolve", Hee ji said to you. Recently your sisters have been boosting your confidence. You walked towards him. You tried hard not to make things obvious.

You smiled at him. He smiled at you back. "Get in", he opened the door for you. And got in his seat. You got in. Just then you noticed a lot of eyes were on you. "Oops!", You said a little loud. "What happened?",he asked.

"Well, it looks like you caught a lot of attention", you pointed outside. You just smiled widely. "Oh my gosh! His smile!" "Uhm, actually I wanted to take you to choose our wedding outfits, it's okay for you right?"he asked.

"Yeah! I am okay with it", you smiled. "If it takes time, we'll have dinner and then I will drop you off",he said, starting the car. "Yes! It's a date!!!"

Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now