Part 7

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"Just because we got married, doesn't mean we need to rush things, we can take our time", he said. It was a little shocking to you. He was a literal gentleman.

You nodded smiling. "Sleep well, I wish I could give you more privacy, as we are a joint family, we should be living together at least in this room all the time", he said.

"It's okay! I understand", you smiled. He smiled back. "Also, do you like that study table? I thought you would need it till your college gets over", he said.

"Wow! That's pretty. Thank you", you said. You were still awkward calling by his name. "Then, fine. Have a good sleep", he said.

You both lied on your sides. You felt so awkward but who doesn't feel so. You covered yourself with a blanket. After sometime, you fell asleep.

Taehyung on the other hand was wide awake. He slowly turned towards your side. You were sleeping peacefully. He smiled and tried to sleep again. After minutes, you rolled towards his side.

You can't sleep without hugging something. You smoothly landed beside him and had your arms on him. He saw how you were moving towards him.

He wanted to push you to your side, but also didn't want to wake you up. He managed to free himself from you. But you clutched onto the T-shirt.

He looked at the sight and let you hold him. He slept eventually. He woke up feeling a weight against his chest. He woke up to see you, safely resting beside him.

He carefully freed himself from you. After sometime, you woke up yawning. You heard water running in the bathroom. You got out of the bed and stood by the balcony.

You actually didn't know what to do or how to react when he comes out. So, you decided to play it cool. Finally, the door opened. He came out wearing a casual towel on his neck.

"Did you sleep well?", You asked. 'Not more than you'! "Yeah, I did",he said. 'Well I was literally clinging to you, does he says this to make me feel better'

You too took a good bath. You didn't go to college today, you were asked to go the next day. When you came out, he was busy doing something on his laptop.

"Y/n, they called for breakfast, you go first. I will come",he said. When you went there, some were eating. While Namjoon and his wife already finished their breakfast.

"Hey dear, did you sleep well?", Mrs. Kim asked you. "Yes Aunty", you smiled. "Come and have breakfast dear, where is he?", She asked. "He asked me to eat first", you said.

"That guy, if he is working he will never come, you come and eat, dear", she said. "So, from tomorrow you have to go to college right?", Jin asked. "Yeah!", You nodded.

"Then, you can get ready and eat and go on your own time, need not wait for everyone to gather around", Mrs. Kim said. "Okay, Aunty",you smiled.

"Be comfortable y/n. If you want anything you can ask any of us or the maids here", Mrs. Kim softly caressed your shoulder. "Okay Aunty, I will adjust soon", you flashed a smile.

"Hey y/n, Why do melons have weddings?", Jin asked you. "Eh- I don't know", you said. "Because they cantaloupe (can't elope)", Jin laughed. "Jin, stop it. Poor child", his wife rolled her eyes.

You understood a little late. You really couldn't stop laughing. "See, she is laughing, this is how you should make a person comfortable. Not by mere words", Jin said.

"She will laugh only in the beginning", she said. "Thank you, oppa. That was a good joke", you said, smiling brightly. Soon, Taehyung too came.

He greeted everyone and before he finished, everyone went to do their work. Mrs. Kim gave you both privacy and she too went in, just to see how you both were getting along.

You were sitting on the table, even after finishing your breakfast. He noticed you sitting quietly. "You can go, if you are finished", he said. "Uhm, it's okay", you said and served him.

He just flashed a smile. "Do you have any plans today?",he asked. "Nope", you said. "Okay, rest well then. You have to attend the classes right?"He said.

'How bold of you to assume that he would do something with you, if you are free' "Okay, are you going to work then?", You asked. "I have some work to do, today I will stay in",he said.

You nodded. Honestly, Jimin threatened him not to come to work right on the next day of the wedding. If you didn't have College, they would have sent you on a honeymoon.

Also, both the families decided not to rush things. You both left the table. Mrs. Kim smiled to herself.

"They are so adorable, why can't your son loosen up a bit", she whispered to Mr. Kim. "Don't worry, they will get along well", he said.

You stayed inside your room. He was working, sitting on the bed. You were arranging some of your stuff. You messaged Jungkook, but he didn't reply much.

As he was attending the class. You went out to introduce yourself to the maids and roamed in the garden. When you came back around afternoon, you saw him sleeping.

He kept the laptop aside in his bed. He was looking like an angel. You smiled and took his laptop and placed it on your table.

You softly caressed his hair. You didn't want to disturb his beauty sleep. When you took your hand, he suddenly grabbed back.

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Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now