Part 9

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You were packing necessary things for the trip. "Y/n, do you have party wear?"Taehyung asked. "I do!", You said. "Can you take one or two with you? We might be attending some business party",he said.

"Business party?",you asked. "Yeah! It's fashion week, so I would be meeting business men and some clients. I will be taking you with me. So that you could have an idea for your future works",he said.

"Oh, okay",your face fell. 'So, it's not a fun trip. A business trip!' Jin's and Namjoon's wife just came to help you. "It's not necessary", you smiled. "What do you mean not necessary? We will help you even if you say no", Namjoon's wife said.

"Yeah! We will keep barging in, until you feel comfortable enough to barge in our rooms without a second thought", Jin's wife said. You laughed with them.

"I was just worried because you guys might be tired after working. That's why I am not disturbing you",you said. "I see", Min ji ruffled your hair. You almost finished packing. "Have this, just in case", Namjoon's wife slipped something in your suitcase.

"A condom!", Your eyes widened. "I don't think it's necessary! He is not even that comfortable around me",you scratched your head.

"Just take it, anything may happen in a romantic place", Min ji winked. You just blushed hard. "Oh my god! Look at her!",they both teased you. "Have a safe and happy journey!", She said.

You thanked both of them. You bid goodbye to your family members. Jungkook already flew to Japan. It was supposed to be Jimin and Taehyung to attend the fashion week. But Jimin also suggested Taehyung and you to go.

So that Jimin can spend some quality time with his girlfriend. You both boarded the flight. The flight journey came to an end safely. There were staff to escort both of you to the hotel.

You admired the view while going to the hotel. Once you got in, you noticed that the suite room was really expensive. You didn't expect so much actually.

The view from the balcony was also breathtaking. He chuckled how you were watching everything like a baby. "Have you not visited Paris before?",he asked.

"No, I have gone to the islands for vacation, but this is the first time here",you said. "Why Islands?",he asked. "Rather than sightseeing, I always liked to stay in and take rest or have fun with my family together",you said.

He just smiled. "If you want you can stay in or go around seeing the places. I am afraid that I can't accompany you mostly because of work",he said.

"Oh! You could have pushed the work aside", you muttered. "What?!",he asked. "Oh! Nothing! I will go out if I feel bored",you said.

"Also, tomorrow we have a party to attend, so get ready for that",he said. You nodded. Sometimes, you went out for sightseeing and some restaurants to try different food.

You went with your guards for safety also as it was a new country you didn't want to get lost. The night for the party approached soon. You were wearing a beautiful party wear.

With neat and light makeup. After your wedding, you really didn't doll up for many occasions after that. Basically it was only three months.

After you got ready, you were checking yourself. Taehyung too came after wearing his suit. His jaws slightly dropped.

"How is it?",you asked. "You look good and beautiful",he said. "You look great too",you blushed. He too blushed but you didn't know. "Thanks",he said.

You both reached the venue. A lot of business people, models were present at the party. Taehyung introduced some of them to you. The party was going well.

Thankfully, he didn't leave you alone. For the whole time, he took you with him. You were just listening to what they were saying. "Hey, Taehyung!", a gorgeous woman came towards you both.

"Long to no see!",she said. "Hey, Jennifer!",he shook his hands. "She should be a modal", you thought. "Y/n, this is Jennifer, one of the leading models here",he said.

"Hello", you shook her hand. She looked from top to bottom. "Who is she? I never knew her", Jennifer asked. "She is my wife",he said. "Wife? Taehyung stop kidding", she laughed.

"She is looking like a kid, don't tell me you married someone illegally, under 18", she laughed. You looked away. "Jennifer! Stop", Taehyung said. "Are you serious?",she asked.

"Do I look like I'm joking?",he asked. Her face changed. "I thought that we still had something between us Taehyung",she said. Your eyes shot up at them. "It's in the past! Now we have nothing",he said.

"You! How do you even seduce him? What are you even doing as a profession?",she asked. "I am studying-", your tongue went dry at the mention of their past.

"Huh? So, basically you are not even near his level, looks like arranged marriage!", She snapped. You couldn't stand there anymore.

"I am going first, please take your time and come back",you said. "Y/n!" "I am fine", you just smiled. "Taehyung ah! Weren't we better together? Why would you opt for an arranged marriage, even money is not a problem for you, wait is it really because of money?",she chuckled.

You didn't hear the rest of the part, because of the noise. Also you didn't want to hear the rest. You asked your driver to drop you off in the hotel. Taehyung rushed to the parking lot.

But you were already gone! He wanted to hail a taxi. But even that was not an easy job. He finally found one and reached the hotel.

He had a spare key that he got from the hotel. He opened the door to see that you were already lying on the bed covered yourself with a blanket!

Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now