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"Hmm, should I ask my mom about you?" Mark asked as Donghyuck watched TV. "I'll give her a quick call and ask." Mark dug out his phone from his pocket and called his mother.

"What?" His mom answered the phone.

"Hello to you too." Mark rolled his eyes. "I have to ask you about someone."

"Straight to the point I see." His mother chuckled. "What is it?"

"Lee Donghyuck." Silence was heard on the other end then a door clicking. "Mom?"

"I have some photo books and letters in the attic." His mom then hung up the phone.

"Strange woman." Mark eyed his phone. "Let's go, Donghyuckie." Donghyuck followed Mark to the attic.

"It's aesthetically pleasing." Donghyuck said as he looked around.

"My mom said she has photo books and letters so let's find those." Mark said as he started going to a large box.

"You do that." Donghyuck said as he laid down on the couch. "I'll be here." Donghyuck yawned. Mark rolled his eyes and looked through all the photo books.

"Mark and Donghyuck; ages 3 to 16." Mark found the book. He decided to not wake up Donghyuck and looked at the pictures. When they were younger the vibes of the photos felt more genuine but Mark could feel how dull their emotions were towards their teenage years.

Mark then found letters and decided to read them.

"Dear Mark,
I know you don't want me to talk to you at school anymore but I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together at the cafe. I don't understand why you don't want to hang out with me anymore but i miss being your friend.
Love, Haechan."

"Dear Mark,
Is it true that you're dating Tabitha? She's really pretty btw. I wish that you would've told me instead of me finding out from strangers.
Love, Haechan."

"Dear Mark,
Why did you regret the kiss? I thought we both likes each other. I was the only one who thought our feelings were mutual. Is it because I'm not a girl?
Love, Haechan."

"Dear Mark,
Every time I look at you, I wonder if you cry at the sight of me. I stood up at night with the only thought that was in my mind was what should i do to make you happy. I have no idea what i should do to make you happy. I tried my best but being disregarded after trying my best is pretty depressing. I remember staying up and crying to myself because of the false hope you had given me. Living is nothing but pain. I decided that life isn't meant for me.
Goodbye, Haechan."

"Dear Mark,
In the end...you will leave me too.

Mark gasped as he read the letters. Was it his fault? Was it his fault that Donghyuck is now dead? Mark felt himself sway as his eyes closed and he fell.

"Building. Red."

Mark opened his eyes and saw he was now in his room. "Donghyuck?" Mark didn't see the boy anywhere. He heard some shuffling outside his room and decided to walk towards the sound.

"I wanna know, know, know, know, what is love!" Donghyuck sang as he cleaned the house.

"Donghyuck, you're cleaning for me." Mark cooed as he walked towards the boy.

"I'm cleaning because I can't stand living in this pigsty. Don't think this is for you." Donghyuck scoffed and scrubbed the dishes. "Are you okay? You fell really hard."

"I'm good." Mark smiled at Donghyuck. "I think I found a way to help you."

"Really?" Donghyuck's eyes widened. Mark nodded and Donghyuck seemed to be quiet after that. Mark was worried, Donghyuck was unpredictable and he never knew what his next moves were. Mark also didn't want to show him the letters.

𝓈𝒶𝓊𝒹𝒶𝒹𝑒//𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓀𝒽𝓎𝓊𝒸𝓀Where stories live. Discover now