first Mission (Opening)

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In Red Grave City there was a little shop called Devil May Cry where the most famous Devilhunter waited for customer calls while his partner sat on the desk, nervously tapping with her fingers

Trish: why is it taking so long?

Dante: now calm down. Lady is with him, she will take care of the little one

it is as if it was yesterday when her boy ran through the apartment with Dante's sword and today he helps and takes jobs (with guardian)

the doors open to reveal a young man and woman

Lady: we're back

she throws a briefcase in the direction of the desk and hit the dozing Dante

Dante: "POW" ... hey

???: good litter lady-sis

Trish gets up from the desk and walks quickly to the boy

Trish: My little one is okay, you're not hurt, are you?

Dante: Come on Y / N is no longer a child and Lady was there

Y / N: Mom please you crush me

Trish lets her son go and leans back against the desk

Dante: the job went well, when i look at the payment

Lady: absolutely, I didn't even have to help, the customer even gave a bonus

Y / N: does that mean I can do the next job on my own?

Y / N sees his father nervously looking at his partner

Trish / Lady: NNNnnnnnoooooooooo

Y / N: and why, if the question is allowed, I am old enough

Trish: You don't have the experience you've only fought class 1 demons

Y / N: then give me something heavier and I'll show what I'm capable of

Dante: that's what I call zeal

Trish: maybe with a little more experience but for now you are not going alone ok honey

Y / N: Kay

Lady: so I'm hungry who else?

Dante & Y / N: PIZZA !!!

Trish: * Evil Eye *

Dante: quite the father

an engine could be heard outside when 2 people came in

Vergil: Fast food again, you're a bad example for my grandson

Nero: Yo Y / N what's up

Nero sits down on the couch and puts his feet up

Dante: how was that with the example "brother heart"

Y / N: Nero and Uncle Virgil what brings you here?

Vergil: it is time for the next step in your training here

Vergil: it is time for the next step in your training here

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a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now