House cleaning and a chance encounter

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the devil hunters enter the future hotel

Nero: here was a hell of a party

Y / N: looks a bit worn out

they take a few steps and hear sounds from the upper floors

before they could investigate

Bony creatures with scythes appeared

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Bony creatures with scythes appeared

Y / N: a few guests have stayed

Nero: let's show them where the door is

Nero activates Redqueen's nitro injection

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Nero activates Redqueen's nitro injection

Y / N: entirely in your opinion

Y / N uses his weapon he dubbed "Way to the Dawn"

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Y / N uses his weapon he dubbed "Way to the Dawn"

after a little fight with the Hell Caina the lobby was cleaned

Nero: you know Y / N where did you get this sword from that is not one of the weapons that Nico made

Y / N: I can't tell you where this sword comes from. When I first had to fight devils and demons, it just showed up

Nero: really?

Y / N: yes there I was with dad and lady and was separated from them, I had to defend myself somehow and poof I had it in my hand when mother and Nico wanted to see it, it disappeared and reappeared in my hand

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now