the mysterious and a second chance

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Y/N pos

I walk from the pier towards the church where I should meet Nero. While I think about what just happened "! I should have stayed out of it" I thought to myself and remember the argument that Nero and Lady had and I went in between the frontline, with Kalia Ann didn't hurt as much as Loona's words. even if she wasn't quite herself.

I walking past, on strange person

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Y / N: sorry ...

the masked one doesn't say anything, I'll go on

Y / N: I should concentrate on the job first, and talk to Loona later when she has calmed down.

Loona pos

I'm still running frantically through the streets. and try to orientate myself on the weak smell but there are too many people on the way due to spring break. "I can hardly follow his trail" I thought to myself and take a short break because I was out of breath.

Loona: damn girl, why don't you think first and then yell around.

Masked person: you're late!

I turn to the stranger in front of me stands a who is hiding under a mask.

Loona: 1. who are you? 2. what do you mean by that?

Masked person: it's like I said, you're late. the person you are looking for doesn't exist anymore!

with these words the person disappears into a black veil. "I don't have time for this crap!" I think to myself, and try to find Y / N.

I'm running through the streets again

Loona: Y / N! where are you?

Stranger in hat: oh you're looking for Y / N?

Loona: and you are?

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Loona: and you are?

Morrison: Excuse me, where are my manners, I'm Morrison and the client for Devil May Cry. I asked Y / N and Nero to get rid of a stray at the church.

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now