secret revealed

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Loona pos

Blitzo: Loona ... you can NEVER meet with Y / N AGAIN!

Loona: where does THAT come from all of a sudden?

Blitzo: he's ... he ... he's not a good company for you!

Loona: what shit are you telling me. Mitch was an ass, Butch was a rapist, but Y / N I haven't met anyone who is so loving and caring.

Blitzo: I'm sorry Loonie but that's my LAST word!

I just don't understand. Dad 2 hours ago he was okay with it and now ... he forbids me from the only person I felt comfortable with, with whom I could have had a happy relationship.

I don't show it but right now my world is broken my heart hurts and the ONLY one, who could heal it is gone from my life.

Loona (softly): I hate you!

my anger boils up in me the pain is almost unbearable but DAD doesn't care, he doesn't even explain to me why I am not allowed to see Y / N.

Loona (anger): I HATE YOU!

Blitzo: Loonie please, it's only for your own good.

Loona (anger): Shut up, never speak to me again, and get out of my sight!

Without another word I go to my room and shut the door with a loud bang and lock it. I let myself fall on my bed and cry for minutes, hours, it felt like an eternity.

I take my cell phone and look at the picture I took of Y / N & me

I take my cell phone and look at the picture I took of Y / N & me

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Loona: I wish YOU were here to comfort ME now.

Y / N pos

It's now been a week since I saw Loona. there was LOT of work in the Devil May Cry. I was allowed to do a lot by myself, in my free time I wanted to call Loona but a Chimera ate my phone.

after I cleaned a warehouse with Nero we drove back to the store, when Nico dropped us off we were surprised by an unknown guest

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after I cleaned a warehouse with Nero we drove back to the store, when Nico dropped us off we were surprised by an unknown guest ...

after I cleaned a warehouse with Nero we drove back to the store, when Nico dropped us off we were surprised by an unknown guest

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a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now