Time with Loona

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Loona: so I'll tell you who I was in the bar with and why ...


Loona pos

I sat in a small bar and waited for Mitch to meet me after the long wait that felt like an eternity, he finally stepped through the door.

Loona: you know it's not nice to keep a girl waiting

Mitch: sry ...

he sat across from me but was nervous for some reason

Loona: so what's going on?

Mitch: I'm sorry Loona but ... it's over.

It took me a moment to process this info. is he seriously breaking up with ME?

Loona: what do you mean it's over?

Mitch: Now don't pretend, our relationship if you can call it that, never went as it should be. you never have time, i can never visit you and a week ago i saw you going out with someone.

Loona: that is your reason!

that was his reason to leave me when I heard this the anger boiled up in me

Loona: in contrast to you I have to work, we never meet because YOU NEVER respond to my calls or messages and because my adoptive father who is also my boss still treats me like a puppy.

Loona: and the person you talk about so casually was shot by one of our employees and because he would not survive in hell I took care of him what YOU would have known if you had paid attention to my messages.

Mitch: Be that as it may be the point ... I'm meeting someone a girl I met in "afterlife" so I wanted to talk to you to put an end to it.

when I heard the name of the club I felt sick. This is the place where I almost got raped and that's where I met Butch for the first time.

Loona: you're leaving me for some stripper from Butch's sluts house !!!

Mitch: Loona please don't make a scene now, yes I know about your problem with Butch because ...

Loona (anger): Because ...

Mitch: I told him you were in the park.

Loona (Shock): you ... YOU ... SOLD me!

Mitch: I'm sorry Loona, but that's hell you know everyone help to himself here.

Loona (pure anger): GET OUT ! YOU FUCKING BASTARD !!!

he gets up and doesn't even bother to look at me and leaves the bar. I'm close to tears but don't want anyone to see me like that, so I leave the bar and take a few steps until the pent-up emotions i can no longer hold back and I start to cry.

???: hey everything ok Loonie ...

flashback end

Loona (sad): and then you showed up

Y/N pos

after listening to Loona's story I can understand why she has trouble trusting others. I see tears running down her cheek so I slide closer and gently wipe her tears away. which I didn't expect that she would hug me and start crying on my shoulder, I hold her and rub her back.

Y / N: it's ok let it out, I'm here for you ...

Loona Pos

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now