More than a devil

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Loona, full of fear and anger, approaches Butch and gives him a kick to wake him up


Loona could only shake her head

Loona: where is Y / N !!!

Butch (angst): Who has no idea I don't care, I want to get out of here

Butch gets up and runs away with his tail drawn in

a car engine could be heard in the background

Blitzo: ok PUNK hands off my ... daughter ... ???

after taking a quick look around, he noticed that Butch was gone and left his entourage behind

Blitzo: what happened here ???

Loona: (nervous) I don't know, Y / N saved me from Butch I ran away to call you when I got back he was gone and this thing was here

Blitzo: Y / N ???

Loona (annoyed): The boy ho Moxxie shot ...

Blitzo: oh ... and where is he now?

Loona: I don't know fuck HE HAS DISAPPEARED ...

Y / N: I'm here ...

Loona and the trio look in the direction from which the voice came and to her relief Y / N was in the best of health. She hurried up to him and closed her arms, as tightly as if she would never let go

Blitzo watches the whole thing with a raised eyebrow and clears his throat to draw attention to himself

Loona let go and tried not to make her joy so obvious

Loona: um ... everything cool, I just thanked you for the help and forgot for the moment that he is a dirty human ...

Blitzo: sure Loonie whatever you say

Blitzo goes to Y / N to shake his hand to say thank you for protecting his daughter

Blitzo: Well Y / N thanks for saving my little Loonie ...

Y / N: sry Blitzo but I actually didn't do anything, butch beaten by this thing

Loona: what happened?

Y / N: Well I wanted to teach this weirdo a lesson when this fly thing popped up knocked me over and I refuse the rest because I was unconscious (lie)

Blitzo: Well at least nothing has happened to my baby, we're going home

Y / N: good plan so how does the portal work, i want to start

at this statement Loona was very sad what Y / N couldn't see during the conversation but Blitzo saw it and didn't want his little Loonie to be depressed

Blitzo: that doesn't work ...

Y / N: because ???

Blitzo (nervous): We are missing materials, exactly ^^ and we won't get them until tomorrow

Moxxie: uh ... Boss, we never needed ... * POW *

before Moxxie could finish the sentence, Loona gave him a swipe and knocked him out.

Y / N sighs and had to figure out how he could disappear without attracting attention

Millie: it seems my darling is a little tired, we'll go too

Loona: then that would be clarified. You come with me ... I mean with us

Y / N: but ...

Loona does not hesitate to grab J / N's arm and pull him to the parking lot, the car is unlocked and the three get in, Blitzo drives while Loona sits on the back seat with Y / N Loona pretends to sleep while driving and leans her head at J / N's shoulder

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now