Different jobs

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after the portal had closed, Y / N is back in Red Greave City in front of the Devil May Cry he climbs up the steps and opens the doors to enter the shop

Y / N: Honey, I'm back, is the dinner ready ?

Dante: ???

Trish: Y / N it's YOU!

Y / N: Live and in color

he walked into the office and his mother stormed up to her boy and pushed Dante aside

Dante: uff ...

Trish: are you hurt hurts what?

Y / N: nothing mom everything is fine but you should see dad

Both looked in the direction of the desk. Dante and his chair had been knocked over. His legs were still on the work surface

Y / N: So what did I miss

Dante jumped up to tell his son what happend

Dante: So Lady and Trish beat up Nero. Vergil sent V to look for you and we have a job to do

Y / N: cool can i help?

Trish: we actually thought you could take care of it with Nero

Y / N (surprised): really?

both nod

Y / N: ok when does it start?

the next moment a horn could be heard outside

Dante & Trish: Now

very excited he jumped up and stormed out of the door

where Nico and Nero were waiting in the DMC van

Nico: and? can we

Y / N: anytime

he got in and they drove off to do the job

in the meantime

A teacher was about to teach her class when a student told her that today is her husband's birthday and she had no present, so she decided to call him via video chat, which turned out to be a mistake. her husband have sex with a strange woman, furious, she went to the two of them and kills her husband and the woman, but when she noticed that this was being observed by her class, she committed suicide.

in Blitzo's office

in Blitzo's office

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fem. Demon: So I killed my husband and this bitch in a fit of anger and ended up here, which brought me here REVENGE

Blitzo: I mean, was she hotter? So with all the drama where I ignored half of it, you don't seem to understand how we work, we take revenge on the living and the way it sounds, they are probably sitting down here with you * boob *

the female demon looked angry

Fem. Demon: not quite the whore survived now she is called a heroine

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now