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Nero and J / N came with the portal at their destination to a park in the city. Almost at the same time, the IMP Trio arrives there to do the jobs that have brought them there

BlitzØ: ok our goal runs through this park every morning when I give the signal, Moxxie will take care of the target person

on the other side of the park

Nero: So we are there but there is nothing here

Y / N: let's have a look around

the duo takes a few steps as

Scarecrow demons appear and try to attack the park visitors

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Scarecrow demons appear and try to attack the park visitors

Moxxie: um boss ...

BlitzØ: not now, I'm trying to find our destination

Millie: BOSS !!!

BlitzØ: WHAT !!!

BlitzØ saw the minions raging around the park

BlitzØ: Oh come on, who invited them? That messes up our tour

the people in the park were trying to get away from the creatures

Y / N: you asked

Nero and Y / N got ready for the fight and strike the demons down

Millie: do you hear that?

Blitzo: hey there are still 2 people ...

Moxxie: They're not really that crazy to fight with those things

J / N & Nero continued to fight until countless were struck down

Y / N: I think that was all ...

Nero: they weren't worth the effort

a parr of Scarecrow's attempted a final attack

a parr of Scarecrow's attempted a final attack

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Nero: Y / N ... watch out

Y / N calls out Yamato and strikes back

Y / N calls out Yamato and strikes back

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a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now