on the way with hellhound

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Y / N walked down the street and considered which place he should go first, the best would be a lookout point to get an overview

With Room he moves to the roof of the nearest building, despite the fact that it is hell, it is quite peaceful

Y / N: If Griffon were here he could look around, I'm just wandering around aimlessly

before I noticed it, a large number of demons and other beings had gathered in front of the building

???: What the fuck are you doing ...

Loona pos

I walked around for a while to find the person in the samurai jacket. Its smell is unmistakable up to a certain point, then all of a sudden it disappeared

Loona: the track ends here but where could he be there was no one around?

As I continued to look around, I noticed a huge number of demons gathering in front of a high-rise building and some made derogatory remarks

Male demon: what is he doing up there?

Female Demon: don't jump!

Jerk Demon: do a somersault XD

Probably another poor pig who broke down under the vices of his life. I look up at the roof and have to realize shockingly that it is the person I am looking for

Loona (screams): WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING !!!

I enter the building and go to the roof as quickly as possible after endless steps I reach the top floor and storm through the door, I look around and see him take a step forward, so I run as fast as possible and reach for him ...

your pos.

I was just about to teleport back down to the street with TRICK Down when suddenly someone grabs me by the collar and pulls back. I land on the person, she is female because, she has a slim figure, and her fur feels soft ... "Wait a minute, fur" me take a closer look at the person ...

J/N: Loona ???

I look up and see her embarrassed look, until I notice, that I am lying on her chest, faster than a human could wink. I get up and scratch my head, embarrassed, I reach out my hand and help Loona get up

Y / N: what are you doing here?

Loona: ummmmm ... break exactly, I have a break and saw the people downstairs when I looked up I saw you and ...

Y / N: you thought I wanted to jump into the depths ... how cute

Loona was a little embarrassed and felt a little strange. She had observed deaths several times, only this time she felt the urge to intervene

Loona: what are you doing up here?

Y / N: old habit i like places with a view and wanted to get an overview

Loona: Well, I can show you around, it's safer with someone who knows their way around here

Y / N: is an argument but don't get me wrong, you don't seem like someone worried about others ...

Loona got nervous, because this was the first time she wasn't indifferent to someone, and somehow she found Y / N nice but not making it so obvious

Loona: it was pure coincidence, I would have let you jump over the blade, but ME don't care if you die ...

she regretted saying that, this place, if you just show a little friendliness, it will be fatal over, she became so cold and dismissive that she didn't want to take any risk of being hurt, whether physically or mentally

a Hellhound May Cry (Loona X Male DMC reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now