A Broken man V.S A Crowned Slayer

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As I looked at this disgusting city, filled with exclusion and prejudice about us. I looked down to see those idiotic Penguin Logistics. Trying so hard to fight our forces.

"My there holding well for four people... Maybe I could change that~" I thought to myself

I laughed at my own thought, there's no one up here but me on the roof of this building. I was going to join the fight until someone talked on their radio.

"Uhh... Boss?" The grunt said worriedly

I sighed as I grabbed my radio-ready for this idiot to speak.

"Yeah? What do you want?"

"There is a guy here walking behind our make-shift base. Uhh..."

I Interrupted him to speak

"Well, polity tell him to vacate the premises. It's not that hard, just use some big words and he'll leave." I said

"Okay I'll do that"


Well, Since I dealt with that... where was I? This city is filled with scumbags, and people who think there higher than us... the non-infected I'll wipe-

"Hey, Boss?" The grunt said through his radio


"I don't know about this... this guy seems off to me..."

I interrupted him once more

"If you don't go to him and tell him to vacate the premises... I'll personally rip your arms off!" I yelled through the radio.

"Okay, Okay! I'll get some buddies and well look menacing! Yeah, that ought to scare him! I'll tell you if it worked, boss!"

"I swear, Talulah hires anyone... including idiots!" I said putting down my radio next to me, as I sit down and I pull out my blade and my knife sharpener. I started by sharpening the tip of my blade, then I worked my way down. I repeated this for a while then I did the other side. I was able to get a look at myself through my blade...

-AN: Sorry tried to find one where she looks at her blade but sadly I couldn't find one

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-AN: Sorry tried to find one where she looks at her blade but sadly I couldn't find one. :( This will suffice though.-

These non-infected treat us... like we're cancer patients... waiting until the day we die... so they don't have to spend their precious resources on us... First I'll start with the annoying police force... bringing despair or as I like to call it false hope into the city then I'll rip them piece by piece... Limb fro-

I was paused once more from that annoying idiotic grunt


"What do you want? If he said no, then just-" I was interrupted by the grunt he sounded out of breath and I could hear the wind whooshing past him.

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