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Zero and Red entered the training room. It was filled with operators honing their skills. Some running on treadmills. Some lifting weights. Others training with their weapons. Zero looked around, he watched as people trained. He followed Red, all the operators that weren't focused on training said hello to him. Well, mainly because he looked like the Doctor.

"Red doesn't see Texas. Red will go check the girl's bathroom." She said leaving Zero by himself. Zero just stood there and began to walk around. He was mostly in his thoughts.

Just how big is this place? One minute I was walking around the medical division the next I'm in the training room. That girl... Red was her name? She was in the photo I have... Does she have a connection with me like Texas? what was the word... Lovers? We're we that? I could ask her... Still another question running through my mind...this Doctor... Why was he so kind to me? I was put into a cell for a reason. But he didn't seem to care. That woman... her name was... Kal'tist? She seems to be... um...hmm I don't really know...

Suddenly, a practice sword came flying towards Zero. He caught it, the pain from moving his wounds put him out of his thoughts. Zero looked around to see where it could have possibly come from. Until he saw a woman with blonde hair wearing a cute dress. Run towards him worried.

"Ah! Doctor, I'm so sorry! I was trying to practice and it just slipped out of my hands!" She said

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"Ah! Doctor, I'm so sorry! I was trying to practice and it just slipped out of my hands!" She said

"It's okay. How did it slip from your hands?" Zero asked handing it to her.

"Well, I was practicing swinging and my clumsy self tripped and It launched. Speaking of that Doctor that was a pretty cool catch you did!" She said with excitement

Zero was going to respond but his head began to hurt he put one of his hands on his head. He began to hear the voices...

"Doctor are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." Zero said the voices getting louder inside his head.

"Okay." she said walking back to where she was. She began slashing the air. She was trying her hardest until the sword slipped out of her hands and flew off next to his feet.

She looked at the ground, her face explained it all. She felt weak...


... I hear birds chirping, I feel the sun shining on me. What happened here? Who was I with... I hear something being hit repeatedly.

"Again, ___" I said? But to who? "Keep your arms steady."

"Okay, I'll try!" Did they say? Was it a male or female? I cant tell... It's too blurry.

They began to slash at a tree, but on the third strike, the sword would go flying. They would then sigh and go to pick it up.

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