The woman he truly fights for

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sup, it's been a while huh?

Sorry, it took so long took make this chapter. I have been dealing with some stuff I rather not say to you guys to make you guys worried about me. Hope you guys like the chapter I tried my best to make each character special in their own way.


Zero was shocked, no surprised? Either way, he was conflicted. This woman meant something to him... but what could have it been? Zero was hesitant, he didn't want to hurt her. She on the other hand wanted to kill him. Lappland threw her sword at him, but last-minute Zero was able to catch it with his chain. His focus was on the sword but not her, she ran up to him. Her nails were sharp and stained with blood. She scratched his face, and then punched him with her free hand. Zero was sent flying, he caught himself but it was very late. He couldn't focus because there were so many questions racing through his mind.

" Where is that same energy you had before? C'mon, I wanna have a good fight!" Lappland said laughing maniacally

She then ran up to him once more grabbing both of her blades, Zero couldn't get a chance to re-focus and look where she was.

"How is she moving faster and faster? My eyes can't keep up!" He thought

She was moving faster and faster with every attack, he could barely dodge. The cuts were growing in size until she kicked him and sent him flying once more. Zero couldn't catch himself so he rolled on the ground forcefully.

"Hm, this is getting boring... I wanted to fight the man who was able to hold me off for more than ten seconds." She said walking up to Zero

Lappland ready her sword to his head, she didn't wait. Zero tried catching the blade but was clawed by her. He looked up to see the blade stabbed through his stomach but Lappland stopped just enough that it didn't pierce his stomach. Zero looked up to fully see Lappland covered with the blood of those men and sitting on top of him.

 Zero looked up to fully see Lappland covered with the blood of those men and sitting on top of him

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"You're one of the few people I met that could withstand me for a couple of minutes. You don't deserve to die a quick death." Lappland said, getting up and putting the sword near his head, then walked a few steps away from him.

Zero got up slowly and pulled the sword out of the ground, he regained his focus. He readied himself for a fight. He looked at Lappland and she looked back at him, she was licking her claws freshly with his blood.

They walked in a circle waiting for the other one to make the first move, Zero looked at her while she on the other hand just smiled at him. Zero didn't want to fight her, he just began to have a headache but he shook it off. He wanted her to attack first but then he realized what happened last time, she beat the living daylights out of him.

Zero rushed at her, he attacked her but she blocked swiftly and attacked him back to which she countered back. Lappland spoke

"Yes! More, more! *Laughs* Let's see your strength!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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