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Zero was walking aimlessly entering the camp. Carrying Crown's body, her breathing was calm but blood was still dripping down her mouth. All the grunts, casters, and others had faces of shock, some despair. Walking through the camp he sees a medical person and walks to him

"Crown is okay, her body is going...through withdrawal..." Zero said

The medic only stood there out of fear... until Zero moved part of Crown's coat to reveal his sword and then hid it. Medical then rushed to get a stretcher and Zero put Crown's body on it. Zero grabbed his sheath with his broken sword, he removed it and her blade slipped out of his sheath. He gave it to her...but she gave it back to him?

"Heh...you...need it...more...then me" Crown said, so Zero put it back in his sheath.

"Make sure she's alive..." Zero said and the medic rushed to the tent and yelled to get the other medical people.

-Zero POV-

I looked at Crown, her body being carried to the medical tent. I feel somewhat responsible... but I don't at the same time. I looked at my right hand, this mark made by that thing. Now looking at it, It's nothing special. It was the things teeth marks all of them were with the serum. I was confused about just what the serum is... So many questions were running through his mind.

"What is the serum? How does it work? Why wasn't I affected like Crown? Why did it call me... "The perfect host...?"

"Master...Why so many questions..."

"I...no, Who are you?"


"How can I trust you? You made Crown eat a person alive! What's to say you won't do that to me?"

"I...Gave...You...A memory...Of your past..."

"Hm, Yeah but... What to say that wasn't someone else's memory? A false to trick me?"

"No...was yours...I know..."

"How... How do you know that was mine? and if you know... then why can't I remember it?"

"hmmm... I...am...tired...want...sleep"

"...Okay, either way, thank you for giving me a memory, It may not be mine or maybe it is but you gave me something to hold on to... To give me hope...That I can remember one day..."

I heard nothing but silence, I guess this thing is sleeping inside me somehow... I looked forward

and I realize that I'm not welcomed here. So many people were staring at me... So I continued walking but a little faster I thought it would be best to be in my thoughts.

Well... Texas...I wonder...what was she like? Well from what Crown told me I know she has black hair, and... and...um...that all I know... No! She was tough on me... what was the word Crown gave me?... uh wait! Tough love! What is tough love? Is it food? Is it something I can hold? Or is it an emotion? Hmm, maybe I can ask her!


But... another question racing through my mind... just what is that serum? What it did to Crown was... unexplainable, Well... I could understand it more... Let's go review the things I saw... Firstly It gave Crown a major boost in her abilities... She teleported more often, the wound I gave her healed instantly, her skill with her blade was more than she could do... All of those seem good but...what was the drawback? She grew more insane... and something took control of her... when that happened...she grew...what's the word... uh feral? yeah feral. Claws grew from her hands and as well her teeth grew and became sharper... enough to break my sword into tiny pieces... another thing this monster acted as it knew me... but I... no there's an important thing I need to think about... How did I teleport like Crown? I don't remember having that ability... speaking of I don't remember what I could do... was this an ability I had? ...But.. how does it work?... Eh, not best to think about it, maybe I'll ask Texas this question as well...

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