"Fox in a Black Box"

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Zero was in Kal'tist's office, Kal'tist was listening to Zero's words. She was sitting in her chair while Zero sat in front of her desk.

"Hmm, okay. So is that all you remember?" Kal'tist asked

"Yes." Zero said, "That is all."

"Can you give me any details about that guy giving orders?" Kal'tist said

Zero looked down, he tried to remember but he couldn't. Zero shook his head, and Kal'tist sighed.

"Well, it was worth a shot." She said, pulling out her phone and checking the time. "Wow, it's already nighttime!"

"Oh." Zero said

"I would love to continue but I want to get some rest. It's a normal day tomorrow" Kal'tist said, getting up and moving next to Zero.

"I assume you remember the way back to your cell?" She asked

"Uhh...yes." Zero said

"Through the Lunch-room then to the medical division. Enter the door that says containment." She said

Zero got up and walked to the door. He waved to Kal'tist and closed the door. He began walking following the directions he got. He walked quickly.

It was a quick trip, He was already in the lunchroom. Zero saw how quiet it was, it was strange. He stopped to look around but was disappointed there was just table after table after table. That was until in the corner of his eye he saw something. He turned around and he couldn't see who the person was but all he could see was their shadow. He rushed to the wall and hid behind it. Whoever this person was didn't want anyone to see them. Zero looked around the corner but they were running. Zero couldn't hear her footsteps, so he just followed their shadow. He walked quietly but quickly enough to not lose track of them.

Suddenly, the shadow turned around. Zero fell flat on the ground, nobody could see well in the dark and he could have just stood there but he was taking any chances. The person turned around and continued walking. Zero got up and continued to follow them. Zero couldn't see where they were going. It was too dark for him to see as well. All of a sudden the person stopped at a door.

Zero stopped moving and crouched on the ground. He waited for their next move.

The sound of buttons being pushed could be heard, then an accepting sound. The door opened, and they walked inside.

Zero was in his thoughts thinking about his next move.

Okay, I just saw this person enter this room. I have a couple of choices I could make. Let's me list them, that should make it easier to pick one.

First choice: I could rush into the room and confront them. I think this is a riskier play, I wouldn't know who I am confronting in there. For all, I know it could be as skilled as Texas.

Second Choice: Subdue them when they exit. I wait here until they exit and put them in a chokehold. There I can Intergate them but the same problem confronts me even with this choice. I don't know who be putting in a chokehold.

Third choice: I could stay here and wait for them to leave. There I can see what they were doing in that room but If I'm not fast enough the door will shut and need the code to unlock it.

I can't really think of any more scenarios so hmm... The third one seems like the safest but the second one. The first one could give a whole lot more information... The first one may help me get a good look at them before I punch them... Let's play it safe for now, I'll go with my third one...

Zero went out of his thoughts, to watch the door. He waited for the perfect moment...


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