First-day Worries

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Zero looks around, he was by the statue once more. This place felt the same as before nothing. He saw the statue, but he didn't hear the voice. So he began walking around, the place was odd.

All he could see in the distance is darkness it felt empty. He continued walking until he almost tripped on the edge of the platform. It was a long way down, he turned around. This place was small, but he felt like there more to place. Suddenly, a chain of sorts was wrapping around his leg. He was confused. When he tried touching it, he gained a glimpse of something. The out of nowhere another chain came and went to his other leg. then suddenly began pulling him. He fell to the floor, he then grabbed his sword and tried to break the chains. His sword only recoiled off them. Almost as if they were unbreakable. Zero was now about to reach the edge, he turns his body around and stuck his sword in the ground. The chains continued to pull, Zero was holding on for dear life. Till he heard a voice speaking to him

"Let Go..."

He was confused but mostly scared. He questioned how many voices were inside his head. He continued to have a grip of steel. Until in the distance, he saw another chain moving towards him. It was moving slowly, like if it was teasing him to make a decision. To let go himself or be forced to let go. He needed to make a choice but which one? Both go the same outcome, but He could try and wake up. The chain was getting closer. He decided for the best, He let go of his sword. The chains began pulling him closer then and far away from his sword. They then became happy?

Zero looked up to see the chain in front of him doing a little dance. Swinging side to side. The others pulling his legs were as well but still were holding on to his legs. He then heard a laugh? He couldn't tell what the gender was but it was happy for some reason. Zero was now extremely confused, He thought the chains wanted to kill him.

Then the chain above him was close to him. I wrap itself around his left arm, Zero looked at his right arm. The mark he gained was changing? The bite in the palm of his hand gained four ends, one of them was glowing. That one then created a line. From his arm to his neck all the way to his right eye. He felt an emotion of regret, remorse, and grief. He felt like these emotions he always had. He then looked at his left hand, the chain still there.

"Retrieve" He thought and the chain extended and grabbed his sword. Then coiled back around his arm with the sword. The chain's holding his legs went away. He got up and looked at his new-friend-chain-thing. It seems it could be controlled by his thoughts. He then wanted to test out his new thing. He flipped his sword in the air, and he threw his sword and it hit the ground. The chain then rushed to the blade and wrapped itself around it. Instantaneously, It pulled him. He was launched into the air. He looked down, to see the ground. The chain then pulled the sword back to him. He caught it and threw it somewhere else and the chain pulled him to the ground. He rolled when he hit the ground.

He felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He enjoyed it and his new friend. He looked around to see the other chains gone. He questioned where they even come from. Well, he could assume the void below at the edge. He walked to the statue and looked at it. He had only one question running through his mind.

"Why do you hate your own kind, Sagunnie?"

Zero pondered on this question, wondering just why. Then he realized something. Sora gave him a memory of what he could only assume is Sagunnie's. So if he hanged around Sora more will he remember more memories of Sagunnie? Or will he gain memories of his own?

Zero wanted to test this, But he didn't know how to wake up. Usually, something would force him to. He closed his eyes, trying to hear the voices. But he heard none... He opened his eyes. Zero then walked the edge. He saw nothing just the void of darkness. Zero took a breath and jumped into the void.

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