The Trade for his Power

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Zero started at the ceiling, he was in his thoughts. Reviewing the recent event that just happened to him.

What was that place? The voice? Those people... It's all so confusing... What happened while I was there? The last thing I remember before going to that place was eating breakfast with Sora... My body was...taken from me.

Zero looked at Texas, she was sleeping comfortably. He moved efficiently and quietly, to get her off. But then she began kicking the air, Zero looked around and grabbed a pillow. He put it in her arms and she stopped kicking.

Zero then quietly walked outside the room. He closed the door and looked at Texas's apartment.

 He closed the door and looked at Texas's apartment

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Zero walked to the place, it was decorated nicely. To his left, he saw a basic kitchen, but more importantly, he saw a calendar. He picked it up and flipped through the pages.

No, that's an operation, not this one either... All of these are just dates for missions and breaks. This doesn't help me. I need to know- wait...does that say... "hang out with Zero?" there's another one "Watch Zero train Sora?"..." Zero's 20th birthday?" I don't remember doing these things. All these dates were in the month of... April. Okay, let's think about the evidence I have at the moment.

One: I can't remember anything happening during April.

Two: I've been in that strange realm for a while.

Three: When is my birthday to be exact?

Four: I woke up in Texas's bed instead of my cell.

Okay from the four pieces of evidence I collected I can assume I was in that place for a whole month but something doesn't add up... Wouldn't I be sleeping? I need some hard evidence to help prove my assumption.

He then puts the calendar back where it goes, and walks around the apartment to find something to help him. Zero then saw a photo framed so he looked at it.

Sora, me, Texas, and Red. I don't see anything off or out of place with this picture. They all seem so happy... I wish I could remember it...

Zero looked away from the photo, to see a mirror in the living room. He looked at himself.

I look the same, as I do in the photo. Maybe I just forgot... Wait-My eyes, they're white. They didn't look like that in the photo.

Zero moved to the photo and took another good look at it. He was right, his eye color was different, more of a reddish-blue.

Nice! Found the mistake between me and the photo. There's only one thing I know that has that eye color... The demon. But why take over my body? Good question, me. The demon could have done anything but it instead continued my life... As if it were me. What is its purpose? To make me feel a certain way? ... This is now more confusing adding the fact I heard the demon's true voice... It told me to kneel, it also said I was nothing more than a puppet... Maybe when I traveled through that place it was able to take control of my body? while my mind was in there? Maybe when I submitted to its command, I took control again.

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