The man named "Zero"

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In a world of pitch black, there was nothing. A man appeared to be falling down slowly, his eyes closed his body falling with gravity. He didn't know where he was going. He continued falling and heard voices inside his head. He didn't know how many but they were all talking. He wanted them to stop... he got flashes of their memories, only hearing sentences jumbled up all out of order. Until all of them stopped he hit the ground softly, he opened his eyes.

"It's been a while...Since I have last seen you...Master"

He got up, looking around for where it might be coming from... but the voice echoed everywhere.

"You're broken... Unable to remember who you were..."

He started to hear the voices again, he put his hands on his head. The pain was unimaginable. This time hearing only four... He felt as if he was being split into four different people... all having different personalities, voices, allies, enemies, lovers, and other things.

"But I think this is a good thing. A blank slate free from the chains of expectations"

He looked down, he felt as if something inside him was being let free. Was it guilt? Was it remorse? or could it be something he could never explain...

"Four paths you have to remember... so little time... Which one will you choose?... I could only wonder..."

Suddenly, the ground which he was standing on started to change, a bright light covered it and blinded him. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw... Four statues all with walkways to them. The voices stopped once more, He looked around to see anything else but nothing was there, only the darkness and these statues. He didn't know which one to pick...

"Take your time... Learn about the paths for which you see around you."

After hearing the voice, he decided to walk in front of him. The path he saw to the statue was an old-ruined kingdom type. There were swords stuck into the pathway all having different shapes and sizes. When he got closer to the statue the voices came back... however, it was only one. He could hear what it was saying

"The difference between us is simple" He tried to hear the name but it was cut out. "You easily can change your mistakes while I live with mine... That's why I fight but could the same be said for you? -'' The voice was going to say the name again but was cut out. He began to have a splitting headache but it suddenly disappeared... He continued walking until he reached the statue. It was a hooded figure wearing a mask that had multiple swords on him. Two of those swords were on each leg. Three were on his back two of those three made an 'X' position on his back but the third sword was missing. After looking at the statue he looks down to see the third sword placed on a pedestal, It was overgrown with vines and a blue single flower on the hilt.

"Ah, He intrigues you? The man who hated his own kind? Well, let me tell you something about him. He was a skilled swordsman who fought with honor and speed but was caring and kind..." It paused to laugh "You ask why does he hate his own kind?" Well, you'll have to find out for yourself... Do you choose to go the same path as him? The Path of Honor?"

He tried speaking..but it felt as if glass shards were in his throat, so he nodded his head yes and climbed the steps to the sword and put one hand on it, and started to get a glimpse of the man's memory... He couldn't understand them, there were so many... He let go of the sword and stepped back out of fear... but he didn't want to give up. He then grabbed it with both of his hands and began pulling it out of the pedestal. The glimpses soon became whispers. He couldn't tell what they were saying. The more he pulled out the sword, the louder they became... Un

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