The place in between reality and space

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Zero was being violently pulled by the chain, he tried opening his eyes but was blinded by the colors flashing before him. He slammed into the ground, the shock caused his eyes to fully open. He could see everything and nothing at the same time. The chain pursued to the end and Zero couldn't see where the end was. He continued to look at this strange place. He looked behind to see the chain pulling his neck. He wondered how far the chain is to its destination. He could only see so far of the chain. He stopped looking backward and looked at the place around him. It was hard to explain, it was like a tunnel of sorts. With two exits shining light, Zero saw cracks in the sky like before but he could see through them he saw multiple versions of himself, all different in a way. Some had him a different race, others had him different genders, but one caught his eye. He saw Sagunnie? But younger, his clothing was more of his generation's style. He was sitting at a desk doing work. Zero looked at another one he was more similar to the one he looked at. His clothing style was more punk-ish, he was leaning on a wall. With his eyes closed and head aimed towards the sky. Zero was going to look at another but the chain reached its destination, it stopped and launched Zero in the other direction and followed him


Zero fell to the other side, the momentum from the chain pulling him. Caused him to launch pretty far. He felt pain everywhere but got up. He looked around at his new surroundings. It was nothing more than space, white could be seen stretching farther and farther. He got up and looked to see if he could find where the end of the chain leads, he began walking in the direction the chain goes. As he saw before this place was a vast emptiness, Zero questioned if he was walking in circles.

"Well... I could try and hitch a ride from the chain..." He thought

So an idea came to his head, he looked at his left hand and the chain he had was still there so he summoned it. He then moved the chain to the one holding his neck. He put them near each other and suddenly, the chains combined, freeing his neck. He touched his neck it felt fine to him. So with control of the chain, he gave it a command.

"Take me to the end"

And the chain followed the command, he was now being pulled by his arm to his destination. Zero felt like he was going to be here a while...

-POV Change: Kal'tist-

"So, you're going to play the silent treatment?" She said,

The grunt just smirked and looked at her. He wasn't going to tell her anything.

"Well, I can give you a chance at redemption. Just tell me what you know." She asked

He smirked once more and shook his head.

"Listen, I'm trying to get you a shot of truly saving the world! A world where Infected don't exist! Isn't that your entire faction's cost?" Kal'tist said

He stayed silent.

"I can tell from your clothing your not just some Reunion spy, you're in league with Crownslayer. Please tell me so I can sa-"

Kal'tist was interpreted by him.

"Please enough of this yammering! If I tell you what I know can I be set free?" He said annoyed

"Okay, I guess I should ask the biggest question I have." She said, "Why are not only trespassing but stealing confidential files?"

"Simple, We need all the advantages we can get." He said

"So, then why steal old files?" She asked

"C'mon Kal'tist. I heard many things about you, but do you need any more help with making the connection?" He said

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