Part 1 || teasing

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Please read my description first!! Then again this is a collab between strwbrrycloset and I. The story and plot is fully credited to her and the detail and descriptions are on me. Check out her tiktok version of this story! Thank you again for allowing me to turn this into a wattpad story 🥰 @strwbrrycloset


Here's my story, I'm a princess who is ready to be wed to the crown prince. In fact I'm already engaged with him, what's his name? Well his name is Heeseung, the oldest in his family. As I am the only child I am to be wed to him by tradition. Our families have always trusted each other which made it easier since I've known them for quite some time now and the trust has been built already, but... as I said I was to be wed with their oldest, Heeseung right? *sad chuckle* to bad that I fell in love with his brother, Sunghoon. As days went on I always loved spending my time with Sunghoon but unfortunately he wasn't the one I'm marrying

Heeseung: "staring at my brother again hmm?" I turn to my side and face him smirking. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Yes he knew about me liking his brother even if I was engaged to him. He keeps teasing me about it and honestly it's annoying sometimes

Y/N: "shut up" I looked away from Sunghoon and focused on my book

Heeseung: "please I could literally see hearts in your eyes" he bent my book down so I couldn't read it. I looked up at him annoyed and gritted my teeth

Y/N: " *tsk* whatever" I stood up closing my book and made my way out of the same room he was in. I entered the garden and sat on the grass leaning on a tree. I loved spending my time here. The cool wind coming in from time to time, the smell of grass and flowers and the feeling of being alone leaning on your tree stuck in your own world

Heeseung: "you know you can't run from me" I tilted my head back groaning as I rolled my eyes. Pleaseeeeee I just need a place where I don't keep getting teased at

Y/N: "if you're just here to tease me about liking your brother I've heard it" I placed my hand in front of his face blocking my sight of him. He placed my hand down and chuckled

Heeseung: "so you don't want me to tell you about the time he said he liked you?" I dropped my book and looked at him shock. He suddenly burst out laughing and I scrunched my face at him totally confused on what's happening "you should've seen your face! *LAUGHS*" I clenched my jaw and stood up which made him stop laughing

Y/N: "stop it I'm going to my room" before I was able to walk away he grabbed my wrist making me turn around

Heeseung: "hey wait, I'm sorry ok? I won't tease you anymore. I don't want you cramped up in your room. You can stay and read here I'll go" he walked away before I was able to say anything. My face didn't show any expression, on one hand I was glad he left me alone but on the other hand I felt bad I pushed him away. Did I hurt his feelings? I shook my head disregarding my thoughts and sat back down leaning on the tree. I continued reading my book which was a love story between 2 lovers from opposing kingdoms. I unconsciously smiled at one of the parts and that's when I heard a voice

Sunghoon: "enjoying your book?" I look up and see Sunghoon sitting down beside me peeking at what I was reading. Gosh he was so handsome, he was sweet kind caring funny and everything you can imagine. He always looked after me and he was just this gentle boy who followed his elders but at the same time always took initiative

Y/N: "o-oh ye-yeah..." I nervously looked down afraid he was gonna see me blush

Sunghoon: "mind if I stay here?" He asked before he got comfortable

Y/N: "no uhh go ahead you can stay here I don't mind" he made himself comfortable and peeked over at my book

Sunghoon: "so you like romance stuff?"

Y/N: "I do, it's sometimes cliche and I say that I find it weird but sometimes I honestly hope it happens to me"

Sunghoon: "what? Cliche things?" I nodded and closed my book breathing in the garden smell while I closed my eyes. We stayed silent for a few seconds until Sunghoon got up and walked away without saying a word. Did I say something? I started thinking of what I did wrong, did I say something I wasn't suppose to? Did he find me weird? *gasp* does he know I like him?! As I was stuck in my thoughts I heard someone clear their throat. I look up and see Sunghoon holding a single rose. He stretched out his arm offering it to me

Y/N: "what- what's this?" I accepted the flower and smelled it as he sat back down

Sunghoon: "I thought you said you like cliche stuff?" A smile grew on my face and I looked down smirking at myself "don't cover that face of yours" He tucked my hair behind my ear and brought my face up to look at him

Y/N: "thanks Sungho-"

Maid: "Your highness! The crown prince is calling for you" my smile dropped. Seriously? It had to be now. I looked at Sunghoon and gave him a sad face

Sunghoon: " *chuckle* it's ok go ahead, your fiancé is calling you" he stated slightly sad, he stood up and offered his hand. I accepted it and he pulled me off the ground

Y/N: "sorry again Sunghoon"

Sunghoon: "it's ok, it might be something important" I nodded and walked off with the maid

Y/N: "where is the crown prince?"

Heeseung: "he's over in his study room your highness" I thanked her and walked off

This castle was pretty huge. The ceilings were really high and it smelled like an old castle but at the same time it felt quite modern. There was a lot of marbling and stone everywhere which just made the castle a tad bit chillier. I arrived at the giant wooden door of his study and grabbed onto the metal knocker and banged it against the door a few times. I heard a faint 'enter' and I slowly opened his door

Y/N: "you needed me your highness?"

Heeseung: "pshhh your highness really?" I dropped my shoulders and closed the door

Y/N: "I guess we're dropping the formalities?" He nodded and turned around from his chair and I sat down waiting for him to speak "you wanted to see me?"

Heeseung: "kinda, I just wanted to know how it went with my brother in the garden" he smirked and this is when I knew he just called me in to tease me

Y/N: "Heeseung" I groaned and he chuckled. He averted his gaze from me and looked at my hand

Heeseung: "aww did he give you that rose?" I lifted my hand and looked at the rose quickly hiding it behind me

Y/N: "I'm gonna go" I stood up ready to leave but he trapped me against the wall "hey! What are you-!"

Heeseung: "you think you're getting away that easily?" He smirked at me and his face was a few inches away from mine

Y/N: "what?"

Heeseung: "remember I'm the one you're marrying ok sweetheart?" I just stared at him in shock and my heart was pounding really fast. Blood rushed up to my face as he continued staring at me. Few seconds of silence past and he pulled away laughing " *LAUGHS* I can't believe you keep falling for it every single time! *LAUGHS*" I let out a deep sigh relieved that my heart can rest now

Y/N: "you're so annoying" I left his study and headed to my room

Why couldn't Sunghoon be the crown prince? I could've been marrying him instead of Heeseung

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