Part 6 || crown prince

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<time skip>


Man: "please welcome, our crown prince" he stepped aside as the doors swung open. The heavy metal creaking to reveal the crown prince. Whispers started going around as the prince was not who they expected

Sunghoon: "well well, I see everything is in order now" he snickered to himself evilly happy to know his plan is working out perfectly. As he savored in his evil plan y/n and Heeseung were in the garden enjoying each other's company

I don't know how to explain it, I want to be with you all the time. You make me deeply happy and I thank you for it

They both thought at the same time as they played around under the beautiful tree. It's flowers slowly falling from its branches while the crunchy dried leaves crackled as they stepped on it.

I've kept the scent of your perfume under my nose, to feel your presence everytime I breathe.

They both dropped to the floor lying down catching their breathes after all the running and jumping they did

Heeseung: "y/n ahh" the princess turned to the prince and looked at him with a smile at the same time thinking how lucky she is to have someone like him to stay by her side when she was at her lowest

Y/N: "yes?"

Heeseung: "do you love me?" Y/n's smile dropped from her face as she stared into the boys innocent eyes

Y/N: "Heeseung ahh" y/n extended her hand and cupped his cheek rubbing her thumb against his face. Heeseung was scared to what her answer might be "yes, I do, I love you"

Heeseung smiled brightly and cupped her cheek as well. They connected their foreheads and hugged each other enjoying their presence.

I was so happy that day they thought, finally all is well, the princess lost feelings for the crown prince's younger brother and fell in love with her fiancé.

But we can't forget that happiness is a twin of sadness

Little did they know what was happening in the other room

Girl: "your majesty, what should we do?"

Man: "we should follow our retinue, I should assign the second prince. He knows a lot about Korea's formalities"

Man2: "then it's settled" they smirked as they shook each other's hands.

Heeseung's POV

I stood up offering my hand out towards her. She gladly accepted it and waited for me to speak. I didn't say anything but just hugged her.

Y/N: "is there something wrong? You don't normally hug me" she chuckled and patted my back

Heeseung: "it's nothing I just- I'm just so happy to be with you and I'm happy that you love me back. And anyway we're getting married. Oh and I also promise I'll hug you a lot more from now on *chuckle* " she nodded and I hugged her even tighter and she buried her head onto the crook of my neck. She inhaled my scent and I did as well. I closed my eyes thinking how lucky I am to have her.


I tightened my grip on the back of his shirt hoping I wouldn't lose him. He really changed, he helped me forget about Sunghoon. Now I'm just happy that we have each other.

Maid: "your highness?" We pulled apart as we saw a maid standing in between two pillars "crown prince, you are being summoned by her majesty" he looked at me and I cupped his cheeks giving a smile

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