Part 5 || there for me

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<time skip; 1 week>


It was just another night and I was enjoying my sleep not until a loud thunder came. I jolted up from my bed, startled by the sudden loud noise. I hated loud sounds, they always spooked me. This brought a frown on my face. Sunghoon would always go to my room and comfort me until I fell asleep once he heard the sound of rain and thunder. I teared up remembering those times. I went outside since I couldn't fall back asleep.

I had my head down walking aimlessly around the halls of the castle. I suddenly got tired and I look up to see I stopped in front of Sunghoon's door. I clenched my jaw and slowly looked down realizing what happened. I was about to walk away but then the door suddenly opened

Sunghoon came out and looked me up and down. Wait was he about to go to my room? A small boost of happiness came to me but it immediately faded away when he brushed past me bumping my shoulder. Did he just-? I looked to the side not fully turning my head. I bit my lip and ran away as tears started flowing from my face. I just ran to the only place I felt at peace in. He changed, he's not the Sunghoon I fell in love with.


As the princess ran, she accidentally trips on her night gown falling on the floor. She couldn't care much and brushed off the dirt and continued running towards the garden. Little did she know where she tripped was right outside the crown prince's room and the sound of her falling and whimpering caused Heeseung to wake up.

Heeseung: "wha- what was that?" He lazily got up and opened his door to see what was going on outside. He yawned peeked his head out looking left and right. He saw no one but he did see y/n's door opened. He opened his eyes a bit bigger and approached her room. He knocked on the door since he was scared he was gonna see something he shouldn't if he didn't knock. Once he got no response after a few seconds he finally peeked in and saw no princess.

A big amount of fear, panic and distress rose inside Heeseung. He called out for her in her room and ran around the castle searching for her. He opened every room he passed and shouted for her name. Just as he was about to give up he recalled the only place she loved spending her time in. He ran as soon as he realized and sure enough she was there under the tree crying as the rain drops fell on her.

Heeseung immediately rushed towards her not caring he was getting wet. He bent down to y/n's eye level and lifted her chin up.

Heeseung: "y/n why are you-" he stopped as soon as he saw her crying. He sucked his teeth knowing the reason why she was crying. He cupped her cheeks and made her face him

Heeseung: "stop crying y/n" he told the princess "princess look at me" y/n slightly opened her eyes and she saw Heeseung staring at her with eyes saying 'stop crying' this is a different Heeseung she thought as she stared into the boys eyes I never saw him caring for anyone like this "calm down" she looked down causing the prince's hands to separate from her cheeks.

Y/N: "he- he keeps ignoring me, he changed, he's so different now" the boy felt himself tearing up. The girl he fell for is in love with his brother I'm right here y/n, why can't you forget about my brother? "I miss the old Su-Sung-"

Heeseung: "don't say it"

Y/N: "I miss Sunghoon" the girl covered her face with her hands as she cried even more.

Heeseung: "tch I told you not to say it" he picked the princess up bridal style and sat her down on one of the stone blocks that connected to the pilars that supported the castle. The stone felt cold to the touch especially since it was raining. She was startled by his actions and she just looked at the boy curious but at the same time amused with his sudden change. A good change in fact. He was never like this before, I think- I think I'm falling for him even though the princess knew it was bad to fall in love with 2 people at the same time, her feelings for Sunghoon started to die out ever since they both started to change. She like the Sunghoon who laughed with her and spent all the fun times with her she didn't like the Sunghoon who ignored her and pretended like she didn't exist but she liked the Heeseung that cared for her and was there during her saddest times.


He carefully sat me down and I looked at him not knowing what's happening. He just stared at me like he was waiting for something

Y/N: "why are you staring at me?"

Heeseung: "I'm just waiting for you to stop crying over a stupid reason" I looked away feeling guilty. I don't know why but I just did. He held my chin making me face him. He wiped the tears off my face and I just stared at him as he did that. He became so much sweeter ever since the ball. He's been more caring. I chuckled which made Heeseung have a confused face

Heeseung: "why are you laughing?"

Y/N: "nothing it's just- you changed so much ever since the ball" He chuckled and I ruffled his hair since it was wet "come on we should get dried up" we went over to the laundry area of the castle and spotted some towels. It was on the top shelf and I couldn't reach it

Heeseung: "here you go your highness" he handed me a towel as he dried his face

Y/N: "thank you, your majesty" we chuckled and dried our body from the rain. I looked over at Heeseung and I could see that his hair was still wet. I smirked and reached out my hand to ruffle his hair

Heeseung: "y/n!" I giggled and he chuckled as well

This is a different Heeseung, he's been more caring and sensitive. He hasn't been teasing me about Sunghoon nor does he say anything insensitive. I wrapped my towel around my body keeping myself warm. When I was about to ask Heeseung if he was ready to go, he wrapped his towel around me from the back

Y/N: "hey wait, what about you? You're gonna get cold"

Heeseung: "it's ok, I don't want my princess to get sick" he winked at me and grabbed my hand leading us out of the laundry room. I had this twisted feeling in my stomach and I could hear my heart beating through my head.

We stopped right in front of my giant wooden door with a slight smile on both our faces.

Y/N: "thank you again Heeseungie" I kissed his cheek and just as I was about to step in my room he grabbed my wrist stopping me. I turned around expecting him to say something but he just stared at me with a smile not saying anything "what are you looking at Heeseung?"

Heeseung: "Y/n ahh I love you"

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