Part 3 || confession

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Heeseung's POV

Y/N: "by the way... I'm planning on confessing to Sunghoon soon" she closed her door but I just stood in front of mine gripping onto the door handle tightly. I clenched my jaw and just stared at my doorknob not knowing why I feel like this. Have I maybe... I closed my eyes and shook my head once to the side disregarding what I was thinking. I entered my room and sat on my bed thinking about it. There's nothing wrong with that right? I mean she is my fiancé... wait- so does this mean I like her?

I brushed off my thoughts and went to bed I have to tell Sunghoon.

<time skip; 1 week>

Heeseung's POV

I can't help it, day by day I just keep falling for her more. Her cute laugh and our little interactions. I can't help but fall for her


This is it! I'm going to confess to Sunghoon. I don't know what I'm expecting but I just have to get it out of my system. Remember y/n, no expectations!

I walked out of my room and stopped a maid

Y/N: "excuse me, do you know where Prince Sunghoon is?"

Maid: "he's in the garden your highness" I thanked her and walked off with butterflies in my stomach. I felt so scared, I wanted to retreat but I can't keep it a secret any longer


Sunghoon: "oh y/n!" He called me out once he saw me. He looked like a true prince, a sweet gentle boy reading under a tree as the wind blew from time to time. I sat down beside him and hugged my knees.

Sunghoon: "is there something wrong? You look nervous"

Heeseung's POV

I was in the garden picking some flowers for y/n. I think she likes roses so I spent my time looking for the best rose. Here! I carefully picked it trying not to get cut by its thorns. Got it! I was gonna walk off but then...

Sunghoon: "oh y/n!" I stopped in my tracks and hid behind the bushes. Was Sunghoon here the whole time? "Is there something wrong? You look nervous" shit no... is she gonna confess to him now?

Y/N: "Sunghoon ahh, I need to tell you something and I don't expect an answer I just need to say this to you" I clenched my jaw and looked away somewhere listening to them


Y/n bit her lip in nervousness

Y/N: "I like you Sunghoon I really like you" Sunghoon clenched his jaw and stared at the girl in shock. How could he respond to such a confession? Heeseung on the other hand dropped the single rose and looked down. He felt anger, hatred, jealousy and most of all he felt hurt

Sunghoon: "no you can't, you're my brothers fiancé" the girl nodded sadly and stood up running off somewhere. The younger boy sighed and flipped his hair backwards stressed not knowing what to do. He felt the same but he just didn't know what he wanted to do at that point. The boy walked off with his book to the opposite direction from where the princess went. The crown prince on the other hand just had a death glare on his face

Heeseung: "why does it have to be my brother? I know to myself that I can treat you better" the boy said to himself walking away stepping on the rose that had fallen on the ground

<time skip; 1 week>


It's been almost a week since I confessed to Sunghoon. I cried almost every night. What was I expecting? I thought I already prepared myself that he wouldn't like me back. What's the point I have to marry his brother anyway. I could've just moved on but what really hurt was that he's been avoiding me ever since. I kept trying to approach him like nothing happened but he just pushes past me like I wasn't even there. It's all my fault, I broke our friendship.

Worst part is, there's a grand ball celebration for Heeseung's and I's engagement. This is gonna be a really tough night for me. I breathed in and out as the doors were about to open. I nodded to the guards and they opened both the giant wooden doors


As everyone was waiting for the princess to arrive the 2 brothers have been avoiding each other, aside from the small 'good morning' 'how was your day?' interactions. Neither one of them mentioned about what happened but both brothers knew there was some sort of tension between them. The doors opened with a loud metal sound and it revealed the princess. As she walked down with her beautiful gown, all eyes were all on her and everyone's mouth dropped open admiring her beauty. She surely caught everyone's attention in the room... even Sunghoon's

The crowned prince approached his princess and offered his hand. The princess not really having a choice accepted it.

Heeseung: "you look beautiful tonight my Queen" this brought a small smile to y/n's face

Y/N: "thank you your highness"

As the party went on the engaged couple had to stick together the whole night thanking everyone who congratulated them. As time passed it was now the hour of Sunghoon's performance

He went to the middle and performed flawlessly. The younger prince did not fully enjoy this at all. He did not express any emotion but just kept a poker face because of the fact he is required to perform for the royal couple

The princess watched him in sadness and also pain. The crowned prince noticed this and leaned in to whisper something

Heeseung: "I heard you confessed to Sunghoon. Did he reject you?" Y/n was not in the mood for his teasings tonight

Y/N: "can you stop"

Heeseung: "then marry me" the princess turned to him with wide eyes and her mouth slightly dropped "marry me so you can forget him" but little did the princess know what happened a week before her confession


Heeseung: "Sunghoon-ah can you, step back from my fiancé?"

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