Part 11 || epilogue

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I've been thinking about it and it was a really hard choice to make. I know who I love and I never actually stopped loving him. I thought I moved on but I guess not. I still love him and I can't deny my feelings. I guess it was hard for me since I was stuck between my guilt and happiness, all I need now is to have courage. I stood up and walked to the garden to meet Sunghoon


The princess walked to the garden and spotted Sunghoon sitting down under the tree. She took a deep breathe and walked towards him

Y/N: "Sunghoon ahh" the boy looked up quickly thinking she had chosen him wait she's still here, does that mean...?

Sunghoon: "why are you here?" He stood up looking down on the shorter girl

Y/N: "Sunghoon ahh" she chuckled sadly holding onto both his hands "I'd like to say thank you for everything. You're such a nice person, no wonder I liked you before" she chuckled with tears going down her face. She squeezed his hands and looked up at him with a sad smile. The prince started realizing what was happening and started tearing up as well "and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you so many times even when I don't realize it. You don't deserve love from someone like me. I can't pretend my feelings for you, you don't deserve love from a pretender like me" she looked down squeezing her eyes shut have courage she siked herself up "you deserve real love"

The princess removed the engagement ring from her finger and placed it in his hands cupping it closed

Y/N: "take care always" she was about to leave but the prince twirled her around hugging her... for the last time

Sunghoon: "I'll miss you y/n" he hugged the princess and started crying quietly. I'm so happy he's back the princess thought. The manipulating, control freak, and power obsessed Sunghoon was gone and that made her extremely happy "I'm sorry for everything I did to you too, be happy with my brother ok? I love you" He pulled away and held her shoulders

Y/N: "thanks Sunghoonie, I love you too" the princess ran off with a smile and the prince slowly heard her footsteps fade away. The princess said that to him as family, and as a bestfriend. She wasn't sure what the 'I love you' of Sunghoon meant but all she knew was that everything was gonna be just right soon

What made Sunghoon change? What made him let go of the girl of his dreams? I guess he was inspired by the second guy in the book they read. He realized that she wasn't gonna be fully happy with him, even after a year of crying and writing letters to Heeseung she still chose him after all this time. The prince sighed wiping his tears and made his way back to his bed to rest. I guess I'm the second guy in this story huh?

<flashback an hour before your conversation with Sunghoon>


I bowed down letting my head almost reach the floor to show my full respect towards the Queen, my mother-in-law.

Y/N: "I'm really sorry your majesty, I love Heeseung too much. I really can't marry the crown prince. I'm begging you, please let me go with him" I cried with my head still down.

Queen: "look at me" she cupped my face and slowly lifted my head "do you really love Heeseung?" I nodded quickly looking down again

Y/N: "I love him so so much"

Queen: "why?"

Y/N: "why? Where do I begin? he was always considerate and sensitive, he was with me at my lowest point and he never made me feel like I was a burden to him. He's sweet, he's kind, he's funny, he's cute, he's smart he's-"

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