Part 4 || change

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Sunghoon's POV

Heeseung: "Sunghoon-ah can you, step back from my fiancé?" I scoffed at him

Even before, I always gave up all the things I wanted because you wanted it. I had to give up on it, crown prince.

Sunghoon: "what if I say no?"


Sunghoon: "what if I say no?" Heeseung expected his brother to apologize but he didn't expect this

Heeseung: "what are you saying?"

The younger prince started laughing which cause a small sense of fear inside Heeseung. He just watched as his brother continued laughing and he didn't even know why. This is not the Sunghoon I know he thought to himself just staring at his younger brother

Sunghoon: "follow me"

Sunghoon's POV

I realized, Heeseung hyung has always taken everything I wanted from the start. I was always left with a hand me down or the second choice. But this time I can't let go of y/n. I have already awakened.


The 2 princes stepped onto the practice court for training soldiers. They both grabbed a sword of their choice and took their stances. I'm willing to give up everything to you... but not her Sunghoon swung his sword at his brother with a grunt. The other blocked his sword protecting himself. He was surprised with his brothers new behavior, this isn't the Sunghoon before. He swung to counterattack but they just kept going back and forth, if beating you is the way to have her, I'm willing to do it Sunghoon thought this to himself and swung his sword towards his brother. They both met at the middle with their swords against each other and their faces a few inches apart

Heeseung: "you improved a lot, you can finally beat me now"

They pulled off each other scratching each other's sword making a quick slashing metal sound. They took their stance and glared at each other.

Sunghoon: "yeah, I'm about too"

I understand now, even if I must take the devils fruit, I must gain power

<flashback ends>

<time skip; meeting amongst the court>


In the old big room where the members of the court are present, comes a very weird atmosphere. Everyone is thinking of the same thing but yet no one dares to speak up

Man: "what happened to the meeting earlier?"

Man2: "our retinue doubted the current crown prince, they wanted to assign the second prince to be the crowned prince instead"

Little did they know the younger prince heard everything which caused a smirk to appear on his face. It's already starting the prince thought to himself. Sunghoon started to become a different person, he became cold and more controlling. All he wanted now was y/n and in order to do that, he had to get rid of his brother. He tilted his head to the side chuckling to himself with the plan that just came up in his head.

He appeared in front of the members of the court to which they were shocked, afraid he would spoil their plans about his brother

Sunghoon: "do not be afraid, I want to get rid of the crown prince as well" he smirked looking at them and the rest of the men nodded "so what is the exchange for helping me?" He questioned an old man who seemed to be the head of this meeting

Man: "make me your right hand"

Sunghoon's POV

I scoffed at his request, seriously? Is this all that guy wants? I didn't hesitate and brought out my hand for a handshake to seal the deal

Sunghoon: "you just have to make sure now that I become the crown prince and y/n will be my bride"

Man: "I will do everything in my power your highness" they all bowed down to me and I just crossed my arms looking down at all of them

Watch out hyung, I'm not your little baby brother anymore, I'm gonna kick you out of the throne you're sitting on right now and make sure y/n will be all mine. All this excitement of just thinking the throne will be mine as well as y/n just made me chuckle evilly to myself. Can't wait till it's all mine


After the ball of our engagement I waited until all the guest have left. Once everyone was out I instantly teared up and ran out of the ball room crying. It was already hard seeing Sunghoon pretend I don't exist and he had to perform in the engagement party? Why did it have to be this way?

Heeseung's POV

Once all the guests left I was about to approach y/n but she just ran away. I tilted my head in confusion but I ran after her. Dang it! This girls gonna trip because of her dress. She ran into a random room and it so happened it was the room I sang in. Just as I was about to barge in I stopped as I heard the words y/n said

Y/N: "why? *sniff* why did it have to be like this? *sobs*" I sucked my teeth and peeked in seeing her hugging her knees in the middle of the room. She continued crying and crying, it sounded horrific, she sounded like she lost a loved one. Is this how much you like my brother?

I entered the room and she looked up from the sound of the giant wooden door squeaking.

Y/N: "Yo-your highness!" She stood up and turned around to wipe her tears. I sighed and approached her. She turned around and slightly flinched surprised I was already in front of her. I didn't say anything but just looked down. I nodded meaning it was ok for her to cry. She scrunched her face and instantly hugged me

Y/N: "He-Heeseung" she choked at her words and cried on my chest "I don't- *sniff* *sobs* I miss Sunghoon" she grabbed onto my suit and I just hugged her trying to calm her down. I placed my chin on top of her head and we both sat down on the floor just the two of us. Why did it have to be my brother?

Heeseung: "I'd never make you cry if I was the one you liked"

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