Part 7 || leaving me?

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Sunghoon: "since I'm already the crown prince... can you, step back from my fiancé?"

The former crown prince glared at his brother and left him without answering him. He had no intention to leave you. He planned to stay with you even if others oppose him.

Heeseung's POV

Once my brother was out of sight, I started running towards the garden. As expected I saw y/n crying under the tree. I walked up towards her but even if she could hear my footsteps she didn't look up from her hands. I bent down to meet her eye level and removed her hands from her face. She looked up at me with red eyes and instantly hugged me making me sit on my butt

Y/N: "Heeseung, what am I gonna do?" She cried on my shoulder and I hugged her back stroking her hair

Heeseung: "just let it out" she gripped onto the back of my shirt and I just placed my head on her shoulder savoring her presence. She pulled away and we both sat down in front of each other


Heeseung: "look at me" I look up at him staring at me telling me to calm down "I'll never leave your side" he grabbed both my hands and cupped it in between his "I promise" he kissed my hand and brought it near his face leaning on it. I cried while chuckling happy to know he'll stick by me

Y/N: "I'll always love you, I promise" I brought my hand near his face rubbing my thumb against it while he leaned his head on my hand


Y/n and Heeseung giggled together as they laid down on the grass while holding hands. Little did they know someone was watching them the whole time.

<time skip; 1 week>

Heeseung and y/n have been even more inseparable ever since Sunghoon was declared the new crown prince. The crown prince and princess haven't been making contact with each other even though Sunghoon would try to approach y/n she would clearly avoid him. She just couldn't face him after everything he's done. She just wanted to see the old Sunghoon not this one.

Heeseung: "why does mine look weird and yours looks great?" The prince questioned the princess causing her to chuckle.

Y/N: "Seungieee it's simple, just rip the middle part of the petal and stick it through the stem like this" they were making shapes from the flowers that fell from the tree. The prince tried it and kind of succeeded "oh your highness, let me do it" she took the flower and showed him how to do it "there"

She gave it back and they both chuckled leaning on each other's shoulder. The Queen, Heeseung's mother, witnessed all this and went back to her study ordering one of the maids to call him

Maid: "prince Heeseung, the Queen summons you" they looked at each other weirdly

Y/N: "go on it might be important" the prince nodded giving a kiss on her cheek making the princess blush

<with the Queen>

Heeseung: "yes mother?" He sat down in front of his mom and patiently waited for her to speak

Queen: "you know Sunghoon is the crown prince now" he clenched his jaw averting his gaze from the Queen "then why are you still with the princess?" His mother asked strictly "you know she's Sunghoon's wife" he clenched his fists and nodded angrily "don't do such things that can cause rumors"

Heeseung: "yes mother"

Heeseung's POV

Queen: "I'm allowing you now to go to Daegu" Heeseung snapped his head up to look at the Queen. He was shocked she was allowing him. "Leave the palace for now, don't show yourself to the princess. Do you understand?" He clenched his jaw and started tearing up

The Crown Prince (HeeseungXreader)Where stories live. Discover now