Part 2 || feelings

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Heeseung's POV

I went out of my room and made my way down the hall towards the dining room to eat breakfast. Right before I entered, the door swung open and all eyes were now on me. Well 'all' meaning Sunghoon and Y/n. I sat down in front of my fiancé and Sunghoon sat beside y/n.

Heeseung: "where are our parents?"

Sunghoon: "they have some urgent business they need to attend to" I nodded and started eating

Y/N: "oh by the way as I was saying the boy started to sing the song he wrote for the girl but then-"

Sunghoon: "then the parents caught them?" What the heck are they talking about?

Y/N: "yeah! How did you know?!" She asked shocked while chuckling

Sunghoon: "well since you have very good taste in books I decided to read it and it's really good!"

They started talking about the book more and I sat there gripping onto my utensils tightly. Were they always this close? I curled my lip up taking a bite from my food

Sunghoon: "are you ok Heeseung hyung?" I placed down my utensils and stood up

Heeseung: "Please excuse me, I have to go finish some work" I got out of my chair and started wondering around the halls.

I didn't know where I was going but the castle was big enough to take a walk

Sunghoon's POV

Heeseung harshly exited leaving y/n and I confused

Y/N: "what's wrong with him?"

Sunghoon: "I don't know, maybe he's just stressed"

Y/N: "eh whatever" we continued talking and eating and when I went to reach for the butter knife to place some butter on my bread I felt y/n's hand collide with mine

Sunghoon: "sorry you go ahead" she giggled and placed some butter on her bread and she handed me the butter knife right after

Y/N: "your hands are so big" she grabbed my wrist and placed her hand on mine. My heart started beating faster as she was comparing our hand sizes "oh my gosh! Look! Your hands are so big!" I smiled but I wasn't paying attention to our hands at all. I just looked at her as she was smiling. She really had a comforting smile and everytime I'm around her I just feel a lot more energetic and happy. But this isn't right, I should only feel this way as her friend as her future brother-in-law! I removed my hand from hers before she sees me turn into a tomato

Y/N: "well I better go now, you must have some other duties to fulfill" she stood up and I nodded

She exited and once the doors closed I immediately place my hand over my chest. I started getting light headed and my breathing became irrational. No no no this can't happen! But I think- I think I like y/n!


I walked down the hall going to my room but I stopped in my tracks when I heard singing. I peeked inside one of the rooms where it was coming from and I saw Heeseung in the center just singing with his eyes close. Wow he was actually really good at singing. Huh I never knew that... I entered quietly watching him. *chuckle* guess I have something to tease him about

Heeseung's POV

I peeked in and made sure no one was in the old ball room. Once I knew the coast was clear I went to the middle and just started singing. I closed my eyes just feeling myself. The big giant ball room with the floor slightly squeaking, the smell of old wood and candle and of course it was kind of dusty. I sing just to make myself feel better, this is just how I release my emotions. I finished singing and I heard slow clapping behind me. I turn around with my eyes wide and see y/n leaning beside the door smirking at me. Shit

Y/N: "bravo bravo" she sarcastically said approaching me and I just stood there totally embarrassed that I got caught

Heeseung: "wha- ho-how long have you been standing there?"

Y/N: "long enough"

Heeseung: "fine get it out of your system, go on tease me make fun of my singing just go" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms together expecting insults and teasing comments but when I heard nothing I look back at her confused "so?"


I thought of teasing him at first but how can I? He was amazing!

Heeseung: "so?"

Y/N: "so... I'm not gonna tease you" he looked at me confused

Heeseung: "you're not?" I shook my head no and he moved his head back surprised "so you liked my singing?"

Y/N: "yeah yeah whatever" I headed to the exit and started walking to my room

Heeseung: "hey wait up!" I chuckled as he followed behind me catching up "so, how was talking with Sunghoon?" I gritted my teeth and hit him playfully

Heeseung's POV

Heeseung: "ow!"

Y/N: " *tsk* so dramatic" she chuckled and u flared at her "but fyi it was great with Sunghoon! Do you know how big his hands are? They're so huge compared to mine!" I scrunched my eyebrows and frowned

Heeseung: "you compared hands?"

Y/N: "yeah like this" she showed me her hands which was both her palms touching each other

Heeseung: "oh... great" I didn't like this feeling in my chest. I didn't like it one bit

Y/N: "why so down your highness?" She teasingly nudged me arm and smirked at me while lifting her eyebrows up and down. My heart started pounding like crazy and I held my chest for a split second rubbing it hoping it'd calm down "hey wait are you ok? Does your chest hurt?"

We stopped walking and she removed my hand and UNBOTTONED MY SHIRT and scanned my chest. My heart beat even faster that I started getting light headed and my face became all hot and red. She suddenly touched my chest which made me flinch. I honestly didn't know what to do with my hands

Y/N: "does it hurt?" I gulped and looked away

Heeseung: "n-no, I'm-I'm g-good th-thanks y-y/n" I removed her hands away and she just shrugged her shoulders walking ahead. I let out a giant breathe that I didn't even know I was holding. I buttoned up my shirt and wiped my forehead in case there was sweat

Right before we entered our respective rooms y/n said something that made me just have... have nothing in my head

Y/N: "by the way... I'm planning on confessing to Sunghoon soon"

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