Part 9 || heavy feeling

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1 year later


Y/N: "Sunghoon ahh are you okay?" He approached me with a tired look on his face. Once he was right in front of me he dropped his head on my shoulder leaning on me. His arms dangled on the side as he breathed heavily. Poor boy, he's so tired. I hug him and patted his back. I brought him to his room and laid him in bed covering him up in his blanket. I squeezed the towel of cold water and dabbed it lightly on his forehead "you work so much, you need to take rest too" I left the towel on his forehead and rested my hands on the edge of the bed and one on his arm

Sunghoon: "thank you y/n" he said while holding my hand but with his eyes closed. I cupped his hand in between mine and rubbed my thumb against the back of his hand

Y/N: "rest well ok Sunghoon?" He sighed and I just took that as a yes. After a few minutes he fell asleep and I quietly stood up closing the door.

A/N's POV <next day>

Once the crown prince was fully recovered from his tiresome day the day before, the engaged couple went to take a walk somewhere isolated. They were walking by an abandoned train track so it was pretty safe It took me a year to see you smiling again the prince looked at the princess as she was balancing herself on the rail road. She laughed as she was getting the hang of it but I can't turn a blind eye to it

Sunghoon's POV

Sunghoon: "be careful" I held her hand as she continued walking while smiling

Y/N: "whoops!" I caught her before she slipped and she giggled and started moving again but slower. She laughed at the accident and I stared at her with a thin line on my mouth

I know that's not the smile I used to see before, and I know you've been trying to be okay


Y/N: "I *sobs* I miss you so much...  Be happy with Sunghoon ok? Goodbye... I love you AHHRGHHH *sobs* *screams*"

I can hear you crying at night as you kept listening to the recording Heeseung left for you. Every night you let out your terrifying and blood curdling screams in your room not knowing you were heard

<flashback ends>

I heard you cry every single night until a few weeks ago. You'd always wake up with puffy red eyes and say you had just slept late.


I peeked out from one of the pillars just to see you writing to Heeseung again under the tree in the garden. You always spent hours writing letters but you always come back disappointed when there wasn't any response

<flashback ends>

I saw you writing a letter for him everyday. I got everything I wanted, I already have you, I already have the throne and peoples trust... but then, why do I feel like

You're still winning... Heeseung hyung


The princess hopped of the railing which made the prince come back to his senses

Y/N: "let's go back to the castle, they might be looking for us" the prince nodded and followed the princess as she peacefully walked in front of him. The crown prince had this heavy feeling in is chest but he didn't know what it was. He also felt like crying but nothing came out. He was just confused about everything and he wanted to figure out what to do.

<time skip>

Everyone is ready for the royal wedding, they already spread the news and people are excited. Yet... the princess still hopes to see him before the wedding. Day by day you keep writing letters for Heeseung and everytime the mail arrives on the silver tray, you're always the first one to see if he had written back to you or not. And not even once, you never received any response from him.

Since the crown prince had changed, there was a second engagement party that was to be held in the castle for you and Sunghoon. A lot of people are invited and they were sure ready to enjoy themselves.

Y/N: "ow! Too tight" you exclaimed holding onto your waist

Maid: "sorry your highness" you nodded since they pulled on your corset a bit too much for you to be able to breathe. You look down on your gown and remember the night Heeseung complimented you as you walked down the stairs in your engagement party with him. This brought a smile to your face but it was a sad and happy smile at the same time

In the other room the prince thought for a while on what he should do about that heavy feeling in his chest

Sunghoon: "am I finished?" He asked a maid

Maid: "yes your highness" the maids left and he sat down on his chair and continued thinking. He looked around his desk and spotted a pen and paper. He looked over at the clock and saw there was 2 hours before the engagement party. He grabbed the pen and paper and started writing. Once the prince finished he called for one of the butlers and told him to deliver the message

<time skip; party>


Same thing as before, the giant wooden doors swung open revealing me. I looked at the steps and went down feeling stares on me. Just like before my fiancé stared at me as he waited by the end of the stair case

Sunghoon: "you look beautiful my princess" I gulped as I remembered Heeseung saying that exact line.  I breathed in deep preventing myself from tearing up

Y/N: "thank you your highness" he held out his hand as I accepted.

Everyone looked so formal and dressed up, but... one person caught my attention. I squinted my eyes as I tried deciphering who it was.


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