Part 8 || you broke our promise

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<time skip; 1 week>


I woke up yet again with my eyes puffy and my pillow filled with dried up tears. I haven't seen Heeseung ever since the garden. I'm scared I did something wrong that I didn't even know! He's always been ignoring me and every time I try talking to him he leaves before I even get the chance to. Sunghoon was always there to try and talk to me but I could never focus on what he was saying. It was really early morning and for some reason my body just woke up at 6:00am? I lazily got up and got dressed


Sunghoon: "you're leaving already without saying goodbye to her?" The crown prince asked his older brother right before he stepped into the vehicle.

Heeseung: "y-yeah" he sadly smiled looking at his brother

Sunghoon: "don't worry, I'll take care of my fiancé" Heeseung's expression turned into a slight glare

Heeseung: "you have too she's your wife after all" it was hard saying those words to his brother but it was the truth

As the brothers were saying their final words to each other, the princess suddenly saw some servants loading luggages into the back of the vehicle huh who's leaving? She approached the people a bit more and that's when she saw Heeseung hopping inside the car closing the door wait... Heeseung's leaving?! The princess ran after the car as it started driving away

Y/N: "no, don't leave me!" The princess ran and ran chasing after the car but it was no use. Heeseung heard your cries for him to not leave you but he just shut his eyes tightly trying not to let out any tears. Your feet started hurting since you wore heels but you didn't even care, your only goal was to stop Heeseung, your prince, your love from leaving

The crown prince didn't know what to do but to watch you. He watched as you blistered your feet for him, he watched as you ran with tears continuously falling from your eyes, he watched as his fiancé ran after his brother. He tightened his fist and entered the castle leaving you there.


Hee-Heeseung, wh-what? why would you do this? Why would you leave without saying goodbye? Why did you leave without even warning me? Is this why you've been ignoring me? I dropped on my knees in the middle of the road with my hands on the floor just crying.


Y/N: "AHHHHRGHHHH HA HA HA *sobs* HEESEUNG! CO-COME BAC-CK PLEASE!" The prince closed his eyes as he heard your echoing screams from outside. He shut his eyes even tighter when he would hear you crying and shout random things about Heeseung leaving you


Y/N: "AHHHH *sobs* HEE- *sniffs* HEESEUNG!" I chocked on my own words and my face became wet. I gripped onto my chest rubbing it to calm myself down. I held onto my forehead while sitting on my legs realizing what just happened. I looked around to see no one, I looked back at the gate and hit the ground with my fist one last time. I stood up and walked back to the castle like a drunk person. I removed my shoes and held onto them as I made my way back home. My feet hurt and there were visible bruises but I just felt numb. I didn't feel anything else...

<time skip>

As I entered the castle maids started cleaning me up until I was freshened up.

Maid: "excuse me your highness, his majesty the prince wanted me to give this to you" I turned around to see her holding a small thin box

Y/N: "if it's from the crown prince I don't want it"

Maid; "princess, this is from Prince Heeseung" I stiffened and looked down on the gift. I hesitantly got it and thanked her. I made my way back to my room and I sat on my bed thinking what it could be. I opened the small box and it revealed a cassette tape. I bit my lip and slowly pressed play.

Heeseung: "y/n ahh, I'm sorry. I really don't know how to say goodbye" I scoffed as tears streamed down my face yet again "and I don't know if I can leave if I saw you. Please take care of yourself and please don't cry for me. I'm sorry if I broke our promise, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving and also for ignoring you the past week. I just- *sigh*" I choked on my tears and covered my mouth to make sure no one heard me "I just wish you'll be happy even without me. Be happy with Sunghoon ok? Goodbye" I choked even louder and gave up trying to be quiet

"I love you" that was the last straw and I dropped to my knees screaming as I cried. I held the cassette tape tightly hugging it. I've never felt this much sadness and emptiness in my life. I cried shouting at the floor. You broke our promise Heeseung... I could hear people trying to come in but I didn't even bother opening it. I pulled on my hair and hugged my knees leaning on the edge of my bed

Sunghoon: "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!"


Sunghoon started banging himself against the door once he heard the muffled cries of the princess.

Sunghoon: "the key!" He lifted a block from the floor revealing a hidden box. He opened it and took out the extra key opening the Princess' door. Once the prince entered all he saw was the small fragile girl hugging her knees like she was scared. He approached her and rubbed her shoulders trying to calm her down but she didn't even look at him once nor acknowledged his presence.

Sunghoon: "y/n calm down please" he hugged her in his arms but she didn't give a response "y/n..." the prince started tearing up seeing how sad she was and the reason was because of his brother

Y/N: "wh-why did Heeseung have to leave? *sniff* he didn't even let me say I love you to him" the prince clenched his jaw and hugged her tighter

Sunghoon: "it's gonna be alright ok?" The prince was filled with jealousy and hated his brother even more for making her cry like this

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