Namjoon's Shop

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So far I've had Jungkook for a week and it's been great! He has so much energy we play together all the time. He's smart too it's like we're perfect together. He can be a little bit clingy but honestly I love that about him. But, there is one thing that's bothering me. I want to talk to Jess about it but I keep backing out because I'm going to embarrass myself telling her. Right now our bakery is empty so I decided to go and talk to her about it.

"Hey Jess... I have a question."

"Sure! What is it?"

"Well umm... You've changed in front of Jett before right?"

"All the time, why?"

"Have you ever felt uncomfortable before?"

"Changing in front of him? No, why... oh Y/n are you actually shy in front of a bunny?" Jess is trying to not laugh at me.

"Look I-" Jess can't hold it in and starts laughing. "It's not funny!"

"Yes it is!" She laughs even harder and Jason comes over.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Y/n is embarrassed changing in front of Jungkook!" She keeps laughing while I'm dying of embarrassment. I regret telling her. Jason turns to me confused.

"But you've had pets before, what's different about Jungkook."

"I- I don't know. It's like there's a boy in the room and not a pet. It's not a creepy feeling I just feel shy when he's there."

"So what do you do?" Jess has now calmed down from her laughing fit and asked me.

"I just deal with it for now. Namjoon wasn't lying when he said bunnies are needy. He wants to be by my side all the time. The only time he's not is when I want to use the bathroom or shower. I close the door on him so he doesn't get in and he will squeak the entire time until I get out."

"Awe that's kind of cute!" Jess is fangirling again. "Your leaving the shop early today right?"

"Yeah I want to visit Namjoon again. I can tell he really wanted to see Jungkook again and I liked talking to him. He also said next time I come in he can show me things that Jungkook personally likes like certain toys and treats. Last time I just got the necessities and a few normal toys."

"That's a good idea, you should leave soon it's almost two." She points at the clock and she was right I should get going.

"Your right, I need to get home." I grabbed all of my stuff from the back room and head to the door. "Bye guys, see you later!" I head home and decide that I'll change first and then go straight to Namjoon's store. He's open for a couple more hours so I don't have to be in that much of a hurry. I enter my house and I don't see Jungkook.

"Kookie! Where are you?" This is weird usually he's in the living room so he can tell when I get home. I look around the kitchen and don't see him there either. I walk to my room and notice the pile of pajama clothes I left on the floor this morning. I was in such a rush that I didn't put it away in the laundry basket. I just ran into the bathroom to take a shower. Luckily Jungkook was still asleep so he didn't see me practically naked. I kneel on the ground to go to pick up the clothes when I notice it moving. I lift up the shirt and see Jungkook underneath it sleeping with his head in my underwear.

"Jungkook!" He woke up from me yelling at him and he jumps on my thighs excited to see me. "You really are a perverted bunny aren't you..." I grumble but he looked so cute that I let it go and petted him.

"Anyways we're going to visit Namjoon today so I need to get changed." I pick him up and put him outside my bedroom door. "And since you were already being a pervert today, you can stay out here until I'm done." I close the door and the second I walk to my closet to get changed I hear him squeaking. He's being even louder than usual. He's ridiculous but I love him. I try to change as fast as possible and opened my door. I see him sitting there looking up at me as if he's hasn't been squeaking the entire time.

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