Old Memories

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The clock says 10:20, why can't time go faster this is so annoying.


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts looking at the clock and turned towards Jungkook.

"I asked you what the next step was."

"Oh I'm sorry Kookie." We we're making chocolate cake batter at work. I guess I got distracted.

"You've been so distracted today, is it because of Yoongi coming?"

"Yeah. I'm just so excited for him to see Jess and Jason and I really want to catch up with him. I was so caught up in actually seeing him again and my emotions were all over the place. We just talked about the past and nothing really positive until the end."

"You will have plenty of time to talk. Just don't focus on the clock and it will go a lot faster, ok babe?" He kisses my forehead.

"Ok." I blushed and we went back to making the batter. Once Jungkook and I finished baking everything we went to the front counter help Jess and Jason. Jess noticed that we needed more labels so she went to the back to print some more. After five minutes she came back.

"Jason can you help me? The printer is acting up again."

"Ok." He leaves with Jess. I notice it's almost 2 o'clock and Yoongi still isn't here. I sighed and Jungkook notices. He smirks and leaves to go to the back room. I didn't question it and continue to look at the clock. Suddenly I feel something cold on my cheek and I gasp. I look at Jungkook and see him holding a spoon of the batter we just made. Did he just put that batter on my cheek? How dare he!

"Jungkook I am going to kill you, give me that spoon."

"Hell no!" I try to trap the spoon but he holds the spoon up high so I can't reach it.

"Jungkook! No fair!"

"It's not my fault that you're short." He laughs and I cross my arms and pout at him giving up.

"You're so cute. Here I'll help clean up your cheek." I thought he was going to get a napkin but he ends up licking it off my cheek. I blush embarrassed.

"Jungkook..." he holds me close and whispers in my ear.

"You taste good y/n, I want more." Oh my fucking god he did not just say that.

"Namjoon was right, you're just as shameless as Jimin and Taehyung." I jump away from Jungkook surprised and look towards the door. It was Yoongi and Hoseok. I didn't even realize they came in, they scared the crap out of me. Hoseok nudges Yoongi for his comment.

"Leave them alone, they're new mates it's cute." I blushed even harder extremely embarrassed that they saw that.

"How much did you see?" I'm afraid to know but I ask anyways. Yoongi answers me.

"We came in when you were yelling at him for being unfair." Oh my god I hope they didn't hear what Jungkook said at the end.

"I interrupted before you guys got even worse. I don't need to see that." I roll my eyes at Yoongi's comment and went over to hug both of them.

"Well I'm just glad that you guys came and I'm sorry for Jungkook's lack of self control."

"Hey!" Jungkook yells at me for calling him out.

"Oh don't act like your so innocent. I lived with you, I know how dirty your mind is."

"Shhh!" Oh my god seriously Yoongi! You had to bring that up! Of course that got Jungkook's attention and he walks over smirking.

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