Possesive Much

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Right now, Jimin and Hoseok are hanging out at the bakery with me. They start teaching at their dance studio later in the day on Mondays. So they started coming to the bakery before their Monday classes. The two of them are hanging out at the end of the counter eating their chocolate and strawberry muffins.

"Y/n, are you doing anything after work on Friday?" Hoseok asks me.

"Umm..." I think for a moment if I had plans on Friday. "No I don't. Why?"

"Our classes are going to finish early. So we were wondering if you wanted to come and see the studio."

"I'd love to! I've been meaning to go see it but so much has been happening."

"Great! I can't wait to show you everything!" Jimin says all excited. I was about to say something when someone interrupts.

"Excuse me." I turn around and see three guys standing by the register. Shit, how did I not notice them. I immediately walk over to them.

"Sorry about that. What can I get you guys?"

"A blueberry scone, a chocolate croissant, a cinnamon roll, and three coffees." The boy in the green shirt says. I go and grab all of their items and hand it over to them. The other two guys go to sit down as the guy in the green shirt stays at the register to pay. Once he's done paying he stays in front of me.

"How long have you been working here sweetie?" Sweetie? That's a little weird but he's probably just being nice.

"I've worked here since it opened. I help run the place with my friends."

"I should come here more often then." He winks at me and then goes to the table where his friends are. Wait, what just happened? I don't think much of it has go back to Jimin and Hoseok.

"That guy was being really flirty with you, huh." Says Hoseok. Wait... He was flirting with me?

"Was he?" I asked confused.

"How did you not notice? He was totally flirting with you!" Jimin adds.

"I thought he was a little too friendly but not flirting." I told them.

"He so was Y/n. Thank god Jungkook is in the back, he wouldn't have liked that at all." Hoseok says. Jimin nods agreeing with him. Was he really? It's not like it matters anyways, I'm with Jungkook. I wouldn't even think of flirting with another guy. Jimin, Hoseok and I talk a little more and then they leave. After a couple of minutes Jungkook comes up from the back.

"Did Hoseok and Jimin leave?" He asks me.

"They just did. Actually, now that you're up here can you refill the coffee pot?"

"No problem babe." Jungkook grabs the coffee and goes to refill it in the back. I decided to restock the napkins.

"Hey sweetie." I look up and see that the guy in the green shirt is standing in front of me again.

"Hi, do you need anything?"

"Yeah I was wondering if I could get your number?" Oh. So Hoseok and Jimin were right. He was flirting with me before.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." At this point Jungkook comes back and walks over to the coffee pot. I go to walk away but the guy starts talking again.

"You didn't even give me a chance."

"I have a boyfriend." At this point I see that Jungkook has stopped filling the coffee pot and is looking at me and the guy.

"Come on don't be like that. I know that girls just say that so guys stop bothering them. Just give me a chance and we can get to know each other."

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