Episode 2 - A League of His Own

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Izuku's narration


There's almost not a single person that hasn't heard of at least one time he came to save the day.

His first appearance in public as a hero took the world by storm, headlines on papers and news channels for days.

He did what no hero before had done and stopped a plane from wrecking Metropolis, saving thousands of lives and preventing a catastrophe.

Now whenever he shows up in that blue costume with a red cape and the S logo on his chest, people feel relieved, like he already assures them that they'll be safe.

Superman is also considered one of the world's best heroes, with All Might being too close to call the title for either of them.

Yet this hero I barely knew...saw something in me that even I couldn't see.


Back to the scene from the last episode...

"Young man...you already are a hero."

Izuku was in tears and on the ground, feeling emotional from having his hope restored by the American hero.

Superman offers a hand to help Izuku up, the boy soon looking up at him again.

The Man of Steel says to him. "You know, you remind me about someone I know. I wonder if you'd want to meet him and a few others."

Izuku asks him after he managed to clear his eyes of the tears. "Others? You mean a team?"

This was a new development for the boy since he heard Superman usually saves the day on his own, so him to say he was going to introduce him to other heroes meant that he was on a team now.

Superman nods and tells him. "Ever since an alien invasion hit most of the world, me and a group of heroes who stopped them decided to form a new team to protect our world from threats on our planet and beyond."

He says as he gestured to the air. "Up in space orbiting our planet is a space station that holds Earth's newest team: The Justice League."

Izuku was surprised with this news, now knowing there was more out there than just the heroes and teams of heroes that would be responsible for the world's safety.

While the Symbol of Peace was still working solo in Japan, the Symbol of Hope was in league with a few other symbols of the world's protection.

Superman tells him. "If you get the chance, I'd like to you come meet the Justice League. Maybe it might help you on your dream."

Izuku thinks to himself. 'This seems a bit much for me, but Superman has already done so much for me by saving my life and giving me encouraging words. And I won't get another chance like this again in my life.'

He then looks at the hero and smiles some. "Yes! I'd like to come visit soon."

Superman returns that smile with his own. "If you're free two days from now, I can see about getting you to the Watchtower. I'll call you and give you the place to pick you up at."

Izuku nods and says. "I'll see you later then, Superman. Thanks!"

Just before both of them were about to leave, they suddenly got a brand new visitor who slid out of a nearby alley.

"I AM HERE!!!!"

Izuku freaks out after suddenly seeing All Might arrives....and in the same place as Superman!

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