Episode 15 - USJ Part 1: When Evil Attacks

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Secret Location (sometime before UA break in)

Two silhouetted figures were standing in a room apart from each other, the long platform standing over a near bottomless pit.

One of them tells the other. "So you wanted to hire me on another mission that's critical to your organization?"

The other person says. "Yes. We are at risk of being exposed to the hero societies of the world, despite being secure on all fronts. One person has the knowledge of all of our bases and could send the coordinates to every government and hero team if not dealt with quickly."

The hired person comments. "This is why you should have put a fail safe in every member in case one of them went rogue. Do you have a name and location?"

The employer answered. "Your target is in Musutafu, Japan as a student for a hero academy called UA High. The target should be found and brought here, regardless if dead or alive. You will be rewarded handsomely for your results."

The hired person replies. "Consider it done."

The employer adds for him. "We've made a secret alliance with another villain team stationed in the area. If you get to them, they can cooperate with you to get the opportunity you need to take the target out."

The hired person nods before turning away and walking. "This job should be interesting."


Classroom 1A

Aizawa tells the class about the today's exercise. "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have 3 instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

'Three Pros? Is this because of the break in that happened days ago?' Izuku thought to himself.

One of the students raised their hand. "Sir, what kind of training is this?"

"Rescue." Aizawa answered. "You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks and stuff like that."

"Disasters, huh?" One of the students, Kaminari, comments. "Sounds like we're in for a big workout."

"Totally!" Another student named Mina says in excitement.

"Real hero stuff! Separates the men from the boys." Kirishima says. "I'm shaking with excitement."

Tsuyu says from her spot. "I'll get to show off how good I am in water. Ribbit."

"Dude, I'm the expert in water missions. I got this training in the bag." Beast Boy grins with excitement.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet." Aizawa interrupts the class.

Aizawa continued for them. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready!"

Izuku found some relief in this. 'Rescue training is exactly what I've been waiting for. This will get me one step closer to becoming a hero.'

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