Episode 4 - In Blackest Night Part 1

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Izuku walks with Green Lantern down the streets of a city in their casual clothes, but it wasn't in Japan at all, but rather an American city.

The green haired kid asks. "Green Lantern, why are we here? Didn't Batman say it's your shift to train me today?"

GL tells him. "First off, you can call me by my real name since we're not on duty. It's John Stewart."

"Yes Gre-I mean...Stewart!" Izuku says as he had to correct himself quickly.

Stewart chuckles at this. "It's fine. And second, none of the league has introduced you to this country yet, so I thought I'd show you around my hometown."

"Oh. Thank you, Stewart." Izuku smiles back at him.

The two were about to pass a store, when Stewart pulls Izuku away from the door.

A quick look inside showed a man holding the owner at gun point, forcing him to hand over any cash the register had.

The crook got all of the cash and ran for his escape car, speeding away from the place.

Stewart uses his ring and stops the car's tires, fighting against the robber slamming on the gas pedal to leave.

The ring bearer then lifts the car, constantly slamming it onto the ground to mess up the robber's escape effort.

The crook fell out of the car and was lifted into the air in time for the store owner to come out to see the commotion, having to use his apron to catch the money falling out of the criminal's pockets from GL shaking him above.

GL drops the guy once he was empty and walks away with Izuku, who was amazed that Stewart did that.

Izuku asks him. "You said there's more than one Green Lantern in the Corps you were from, right? Who made the rings?"

GL answered him. "The rings came from the ones who lead the Corps, the Guardians."

"The Guardians?" Izuku says as he felt curious about there being sentient life capable of making powerful items on another world.

Stewart explains to him. "They're supposedly the oldest beings in the universe, dating back to the beginning of the universe. Guardians make it their goal to secure justice and order to the galaxies, with the Lantern Corps being their recent.....success."

Izuku could tell in Stewart's voice that something was wrong when he trailed off, as if there was something that made him feel ashamed of himself.

When they reached a basketball court, Stewart caught a basketball and threw it at the hoop, the shot bouncing off the rim as the kid went after it again.

An old man approached them. "Time once, you could've made that your eyes closed."

Stewart sees him and says. "Mr. McGee?"

McGee tells him with a smile. "I'm not your history teacher anymore, John. Call me Al."

Stewart says. "Guess my game's a little rusty."

McGee says as the boy from the court runs over and stands next to him. "Well Chris can give you some pointers. He's my grandson."

Stewart was a little surprised. "Grandson?"

McGee says to him. "You've been away a long time, John."

Stewart says as all of them walked away from the court. "Maybe too long."

McGee asks him. "So who's the young man you brought with you?"

Izuku smiles and answered. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, sir."

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