Episode 5 - Injustice For All Part 1

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Today was Izuku's first time in the field to see actual hero work with the Justice League, though it wasn't something he thought he would do.

The green haired boy was secretly using a device Batman gave him to listen in on a conversation with one of Superman's enemies.

Though not just any enemy, but Superman's archenemy...

Lex Luthor!



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Name: Lex Luthor

Occupation: Owner of Lex Corporation

While having no powers, his superior intelligence has gained the upper hand over even the best geniuses.

There's a reason this entrepreneur is known as the "Greatest Criminal Mastermind of our time".

If Superman has trouble with this guy, then you know you should always have a backup plan.


Izuku was tasked with capturing the information Lex would spill if Superman got him to talk, which was easier done than said.

Supposedly, Lex had been suspected of smuggling weapons to other countries to profit off of foreign wars, something highly illegal.

Unfortunately, "Superman" was lying on the ground and vulnerable to the Kryptonite that Lex had been carrying with him for a year.

After gloating to what he thought was his sworn enemy, he slipped some names of customs officials and other staff working at the docks that let him slip the weapons by.

Lex then heard him say. "Sounds like you're going to have company in prison."

The business owner sees "Superman" standing up, unaffected by the Kryptonite.

Lex runs over and puts it in his face. "It can't be! The Kryptonite-"

The hero says in a different voice. "Won't protect you any longer."

The figure changed shape into Martian Manhunter, revealing that this whole thing was a setup by the Justice League.

Lex calls out in disbelief. "No!"

Batman says from where he was standing. "You're usually more careful, Lex. You slipped up."

Green Lantern was with him and adds to his comments. "And you're going down hard."

Stewart pulls the Kryptonite out of Lex's hands and over to Batman for him to store in his utility belt.

Batman uses a microphone to call Izuku and the others. "Mission accomplished." Which him and GL moved towards Lex.

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