The beginning of the beginning

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Ron! Ron! Wake up! We got our Hogwarts letters! Hermoine screeched in Ronald Weasley's ear. Just 10 more minutes mum Ron grunted. "Boys" Hermione rolled her eyes, and went of to find Harry. 2 hours later everyone was seated around the round table of the Weasley's  kitchen reading their mail if said this-

Dear Ms Granger
       First of all Me along with all Of Hogwarts and its staff would like to thank you for taking part in the war. Now we understand that you along with all the 7th years have missed an year therefore we are calling you to Hogwarts, to repeat your year,with the right staff.

Sincerely Minerva McGonagall
     Headmistress of
        Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

P.S find your enclosed list of the necessary books.

Ginny  was the first to react. I'm finally going to be in the same year as you people!!and kissed Harry passionately. Hermoine frowned and said ,look they sent an extra card. They all read it, it said "you should also know that there is a new law,affecting the 6th and 7th years,you will know more about it when you reach Hogwarts ". New law? Ron said, well I guess we will find out more about it when we reach Hermoine sighed. We'll  never have a normal year at Hogwarts  will we 'Mione Harry grinned. No I don't think so Hermione sighed."

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