The beginning of the end

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Hermoine sat on the bathroom floor,  frowning at the test. True, she had the symptoms,  but she wasn't expecting this so soon. Come on Love! We are late! She heard Draco say. Draco? She said, I need to get to the hospital wing.  Now.

Draco barged in, his face worried.  What is it? Are you hurt? Sick? Hermoine showed him the test.

Draco paced around the Hospital Wing for the 3rd time. Frowning as he did so, his mind was mixed up. It wasn't that he was unprepared, but like Hermoine,  he hadn't expected it so soon.

As soon as he was allowed in, his eyes strayed to her stomach, to see if there was a bump yet. Following his eyes, Hermoine chuckled and said, I'm not showing yet. Nut I expect that I will be enormous in a couple of months.

Draco nodded, and bent down to kiss her, trying to put a lot of un-sayable things into it. She understood and whispered,  you won't be like your father.

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