Relationship classes

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Soon Draco realized that it was time for his first class....Relationship class. He sighed and set off, it was in the east wing and it was a long walk. When he reached he saw the trio already seated. He walked over and sat next to Hermoine. Then the door opened and to his surprise he saw Prof.McGonagall  entered. She looked around and smiled, at least thats what it looked like.

She said, welcome to your first class. In this class you will learn to solve problems that normally occur in every relationship,  even the healthiest ones. Consider this scenario,  both of you had a long day at work, and do not want to cook. You cannot order from a restaurant as all of them are on holiday, what are you to do?

Hermoine took a deep breath and looked at Draco and said, look however much I hate you I want to get good marks, even for a stupid class. Draco nodded and smirked, know it all trying to socialize? Thats something new.  Hermoine grinned and nodded she said you would be surprised.

So... who's gonna cook?  Draco asked, I don't know.. she replied. Well...I think you should. Draco said, why me?, he replied "well I've had a long day haven't I? " I've had a long day too you know!. And before they knew it they were yelling at each other. Finally Prof.McGonagall  had enough. MALFOY! GRANGER! BACK TO YOUR ROOM! NOW! YOU ARE BANNED FROM CLASSES FOR TODAY

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