The Plan

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Alexa sat on the common room sofa, as she went through her plan. Narcissa had told her what Draco's weakness was. She sat in a revealing lingerie as she heard a voice.

What the hell are you wearing that for? Hermoine snapped. Alexa let out a small yelp and grabbed her less revealing robe that was next to her. She replied stoutly, why waiting for my fiance of course.

Yes, I heard McGonagall was searching someone for you. I put in a couple of suggestions Hermoine smiled innocently. What? Alexa said, leaving all pretence.  Oh.. you know since all of the students at Hogwarts have been paired, we had to find someone for you in their late 30's and 50's she said.

At that moment Draco came in, eyed Alexa in disgust and walked out with Hermoine.

The next morning,  there was news that Alexa Lauren Cooper, had disappeared from the school. It was also reported that she had sent a letter to McGonagall,  announcing her quitting the school. Hermoine was finally satisfied.

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