What now?

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He found her in Ginny 's arms, crying. Ginny shot him a scathing look, remembering her famous bat bogey hex, he stepped away. He looked straight at Hermoine and pleaded her to listen.  Hermoine please he begged, listen to me.

Finally she turned and looked at him, what she asked, I swear on my life, I did not ask her to come, I bet it was my mother,  you have to understand,  in her eyes you took away her only son, she sent her to make you feel horrible, to make you abandon me.

She looked at him, and for the  first time she didn't see his sharp features,  instead she saw his fear of losing her, his anger towards his mother,  so she walked over to him and said I believe you. He smiled and told her, I'll  get rid of her. She nodded and they both walked back to the common room together.

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