That Morning

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Hermoine woke up earlier then she would have liked,she turned and saw that the bed was empty except for her, she sighed from relief. She did not want to talk to Malfoy, though she knew she couldn't put it off any longer. She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, did her makeup and went down.

There she saw Malfoy curled up on the armchair,fast asleep. She felt gagged. That was her future husband just the thought of it made her feel like puking. She then heard a "tap tap" coming from the window. It was an owl with all the 4 couples schedules.She saw "Mrs. and Mr.Malfoy." she shuddered  she wasn't quite ready for that yet. She opened the envelope and saw that there was a new addition. "Relationship classes " it said. It also said that she needed her spouse for it,she rolled her eyes and walked over to Malfoy's armchair and shook him awake. Malfoy! Malfoy! , he grunted, we have class in an hour,she said. Mhm  he grunted. Hermoine  rolled her eyes, Boys she said. I heard that Malfoy muttered before stretching and sitting up and yawning. Hermoine shook her head and walked off to Harry and Ginny 's room to give them their post. She knocked sharply

Few moments later Ginny opened the door, she grinned at Hermoine and said "hey 'Mione what's up? Hermoine returned her grin and gave her her post. Harry walked towards them and without so much of a hello he asked Hermoine  "did Malfoy do anything? " Hermoine replied, no Harry he didn't do anything, he didn't even sleep in the room,he slept on one of the armchairs in the common room. Harry smiled at her and said, alright let's go wake Ron up.

They pounded on the door and they heard a groan. Ugh its your Gryfindorks go open the door. Hermoine and Harry exchanged exasperated looks. The door opened and Ron looked at them grinning, hey guys! How was the night? He raised his voice slightly as thought wanting Pansy to hear and said mine was terrible. He winked at them at led the way to the Great Hall for breakfast, they started talking. So what about that new class eh? Ron said. Yeah Relationship classes.. fun Hermoine rolled her eyes. 4on and Harry sniggered.  Suddenly Parvati Patil came up to them and touched Hermoine's shoulder and hissed  he's looking at you! Hermoine turned and saw that Draco was indeed staring at her, she turned her head back and grinned at Parvati

Draco was furious with himself. He had never let anyone realize that he had been watching them. But he knew that Hermoine Granger was not your average witch. She was smart,beautiful...and.. he shook himself, he could not believe he had actually thought that.

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