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Hermoine went into the common room,  immediately her friends noticed that something was wrong. Ginny Pansy and Luna came up to her and asked her what was wrong.

Without warning Hermoine burst into tears. She told them what had happened.  Their reactions were exactly what she expected.  Ginny and Luna were indignant. SHE IS DISOWNING HIM FOR THAT?! WHAT SORT OF MOTHER IS SHE?! They all looked at  Pansy for her reaction. To their surprise she was smirking. What so funny? Luna asked.

Pansy said, I know what you are thinking Granger. He won't do it. He loooooooovvesss you.

After many consolations,  Hermoine went back to her room, and saw Draco holding the Prophet in his hand. She took it from him, and her mouth fell open in surprise. Its headline was-


          We at the Prophet........

Have received news that Draco Malfoy has been disowned by his mother today! At October 1st! Gabby Goles to find out more.

Slowly Hermoine looked up at him, but- but your stuff, your house, your family....all gone, she said. Draco chuckled at the look on her face and said, Granger my stuff is here with me at Hogwarts, we are going to buy our own house by the end of the year, same goes for the family thing. Which reminds me....He reached into his pocket and pulled out a 22 carat Diamond ring. Hermoine gasped, Draco fell on his knees and said, Hermoine Granger,  will you marry me?

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