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My phone said the time was 10:45. I shouldn't have slept so long, but I was having a pleasant dream. The new girl from school was in it and I knew what could happen if I gave my mind permission. Kayla would freak out since Emma was obviously with the divas now.

Lowering my window to feel the chill evening wind, the peace of the park blessed my ears, but the air was too cold. I could only hear the toads and crickets. Boys my age would either be partying somewhere or tucked in bed, but not me. I was the child who had to act like an adult while his parent behaved like teenagers.

I had my space at home, but my parents' house was not a place I wanted to be right now. It had been four days since I started sleeping in my car and I was sure no one noticed. Dad would be too busy fucking his fiancé and Mom couldn't live with him anymore. I wish I was old enough to live alone.

The smartest option for me is to stay in Kayla's house like I always door at a hotel, but I was in no mood to be around people. I liked the park; it was quiet here and I could hear my self-destructive thoughts in peace.

My stomach growled. The last time I ate was in school and it was too late to go to Evans' coffee shop. Close to this park was the busy part of town. I would have to get here if I wanted to eat.

I got out of my car and pulled my bike and backpack out of the trunk. It was better if I didn't drive to town to save gas. On my way to town, I thought about what I wanted to eat. Kayla offered me pancakes earlier today. I wish I ate them. I was ashamed of the way I exploded, but I knew she would get over it.

Deciding on Pizza I drove to the nearest pizza house. Though it was late, the place was buzzing with phone line orders.

"Hey kid, get in line!" a staff yelled at another boy next to me.

In return, the boy swore back, giving him the middle finger. He walked in with me but wanted to place an order before everyone else. The boy was scrawny looking and he reeked of beer. He reminded me of my father.

It was too loud in here, so connected my headset to my phone and play Silence by Marshmello ft Khalid. I couldn't wait to go back to the park. A part of me wanted to see Kayla and eat with her, since I didn't enjoy eating alone.

I also considered going to Evans, but he would be would be asleep right now. There was no reason to fret. He would come to the park in the morning to go to school with me.

My order came to me after 20 minutes of me ruminating possibilities in my head. I did this to avoid thinking about my parent's pending divorce or about me dreaming of the new school hottie. But while I walked out, I received a surprise from my mom.

It was too late to ignore it since my phone was in my hand. I wondered if she was alright. I knew she was good at hiding from my father, but she had been the one to file for the divorce. Who knew my dad was a polygamous person?

Standing outside the pizza place, I unlock my phone to read through her message.

"Rosa says you haven't slept at home. Please stay for my sake. I beg you."

I gritted my teeth in anger. How could she ask that of me? Did she know what happened to me when she wasn't there?

My face felt wet with my own tears. Or was it rain? I suddenly found t difficult to stand. After so long of staying strong, I was finally ready to cry, but not here. Not in front of this many people.

I could barely see with my tears filled eyes, but I hopped on my bike and rode in a different direction. My whole body felt was boiling in anger and frustration. There was no way I would go home, but how could she ask me to stay with hi when she couldn't? Did she ever love me or was I just a plot to marrying my father?

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