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Hi everyone! So, this is my new story.

A certain aspect came to me as a horrid nightmare a few nights ago, leaving me in tears, so I decided, rather than leave it as a horrible memory I would rather forget, I would make it into a story. 

So, here we go.

This is a very short story with minimal chapters. Even so, each chapter is quite indepth despite being short. I hope you enjoy.

Please comment and let me know what you think :)



I had never seen anything as beautiful as I did just then. 
I was struck with overwhelming lust at the sight before me. 

Tall, dark and handsome. 

Chocolate brown hair, flopping messily upon a strong masculine face. The deepest, most captivating green eyes I had ever had the pleasure of staring into in my entire life. Piecing that together with a strong square jawline and pouted kissable lips... Of course I couldn't stop staring. His toned body had nothing to do with it. I was hooked on those eyes. They held me captivate. I was stuck.

He had me where he wanted me, and we didn't even know each other's names. He knew he had me. I knew he had me. Neither of us decided to fight the urge. 

Whoever this Adonis was, he strutted over with confidence and a slight smirk sporting on his lips. 

"Why, hello there beautiful," he murmured, standing in front of me. It was as though we weren't stood in a crowded pub with 40 other patrons littering nearby, "what's your name?"

I felt like I would faint at any minute.
"Harper," I let out breathlessly. I have never felt so pathetic in my entire life. 
I didn't turn to jelly for any man, but here I was... A puddle at his feet. 

"Well Harper, I'm Nick. How about we go find somewhere a little more private, huh?" A smooth fingertip trailed down over my cheek to my lips, tracing them slowly, deliberately. 

I don't do one night stands. Never have. I have a strict 5 date rule before anything happens with a man... But Nick, he was my weakness- somehow. And I was going to break my rule. For him. For some unknown reason. 
Tonight I was breaking the rules, and Nick seemed to know that. He bit his full bottom lip and took my hand, leading me away from the noise, away from my friends, away from the band playing on the stage and away from the alcohol stench. He led me out the front door and down the alleyway which lead to the market square. 
Submissively, I allowed him to pull me towards a bench which he dropped down on and pulled me on to his lap; somehow I ended up straddling him. But I didn't pull away. He felt too good to let go of. 

"Would you look at that?" Nick teased, taking hold of my hips, "you fell for me...." He moved his lips to my ear, "I'll just have to take advantage." And I felt the warmth of his tongue press behind my ear and down my throat. 
I couldn't help the shudder that ran through me, or the whimper that left my open mouth. 
I was putty in Nick's capable hands. But I knew I wouldn't regret it one little bit. 

That night we ended up tumbling in through my front door, all hands and mouths. We were aiming for the bed, we got the floor. We lay there, our bodies writhing together, our sweaty bodies slick and sliding; skin on skin. 

It was by far, the best night of my life. 
The best sex (no word of a lie),
My first orgasm delivered by someone other than myself,
And the hottest man I have ever been with. I would never forget it. Ever. 

And I didn't. 
I never would. 
I couldn't... 

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