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Beep, beep, beep...

A loud screeching, offending sound awoke me, dragging me from the empty darkness I was enjoying. Back to reality, my eyes slowly opened into a dim lot room.

Beep, beep, beep...

Lifting my head, I could see a transparent cot to the left beside me with two bundles in blankets, while on the right, in an uncomfortable looking armchair was Nick... Asleep.

I remembered quickly what happened, and sat up, only to realise I was connected up to an IV and a catheter. I cringed at the thought of it, but carefully eased myself up.

I wanted to see my babies; I had only spent a few seconds with my son, but hadn't even spared a glance for my daughter. I felt awfully guilty that my body gave out before I got a chance to hold her.
So, I peered over the cot and stared at the beautiful creatures I held for 34 weeks.
And they were, they were magnificent. Just as beautiful as Violet.

My daughter had light wisps of hair, and a round chubby face with a tiny freckle right on the centre of her right cheek.
I was an awe of my children...

"How did I manage to make such beautiful babies?" I whisper, stroking over the soft cheeks of my daughter.

"Because you're beautiful," came a voice from behind me- making me jump in shock. I was in my own little world.
"Christ, Nick! Announce yourself before talking. I'll have a heart attack!" I whisper, as not to wake the babies.

I heard him chuckle, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you." And he slid from the arm chair and walked round, sitting on the bed to peer into the cot as well, "they're so perfect aren't they?"
I smiled, "yes, all three of my children are perfect."
I looked up and Nick is smiling at me, "I'd have to agree with you there. I met Violet earlier. She is beautiful... And she has your eyes. Just as captivating as yours."

I couldn't help but gasp. He met Violet! That means he met Dean too.
Please say nothing bad happened, please please please.

"Don't worry," Nick murmured softly, placing a hand on mine, "I was perfectly pleasant with your ex. He seems like a decent guy... Just a little obsessed with you, but I can't blame him, can I?"
I couldn't reply, I didn't know what to say. What was there to say?
"And Violet, she was hilarious. Have you heard her chicken joke?"
I couldn't help but smile; Nick was so animated when he spoke about my daughter, or how he laughed. So carefree. I was jealous. I want to be carefree again.

"Which one? She's got a few."
"Okay, here we go. Why did the chicken cross the road?" Nick grinned at me.
"Why?" He wouldn't finish it until I answered him.
"Because he wanted to go to KFC. Carnivore chicken!"
I rolled my eyes- yeah I'd heard that one before. Only it seemed to amuse Nick more than it should've.

"Easily amused HUH?" I asked with a chuckle.
I watch as Nick grimaces and scrunches up his nose... Wow, how is that sexy? "A little yeah."
"You said it, not me!"


"So, basically I haemorrhaged?" I ask the doctor, "and the blood loss caused me to lose consciousness?"
I had taken in a lot of information and was trying to make sense of what happened to me.
"Yes, it's more common than people think. It's known as postpartum haemorrhage; yours was caused by the placenta detaching prematurely. We were able to repair the tear and you should face little to no trouble conceiving again."
I nod, feeling happy with the answers I received, "ok, that's all good then. How long will it be until I can go home?"

"We'd like to keep you in tonight, and if all is well, we'll discharge you in the morning."

I was pleased with the news and was soon left alone with my twins and Nick once more.
Nick was sat in the armchair with our babies in his arms, staring down at them blissfully happy.
"We still need to give them names," he pipes up suddenly, "Violet was telling me the names you two liked earlier."

I wondered whether Nick approved of the names we'd picked...

"I like Dexter," he says in answer to my silence. That was one name Violet and I were dead set on, "are you still happy with that?"
"Yes," I whisper, looking at my son, "Dexter suits him."
"Okay, great. Dexter it is." Nick nods, happy with our choice.

"And, Violet said you had two girls' names you liked..."
"Sienna or Willow."
I looked at our daughter, trying to figure out which one would suit her the best.
"Willow..." Came his reply, "I like Willow."
I smile, "Willow it is then."

After a long discussion about names, middle names and surnames, we were both happy with our choices.

Dexter Hunter Jean-Cole and Willow Mya Jean-Cole.

The next morning, after thorough examinations, the twins and I were discharged. Nick had gone back to his last night, then returned this morning after heading to mine for the car seats to pick us up.
We were finally going home after being in hospital for 3 days, or so I've been told.

It was a relief to be back in my own home. Nothing feels better than being back home after being away for a few days.
And not only was I home, but my babies were here with me too.
Violet arrived home in the afternoon and I got some time with my children.

I can't believe I'm 26 years old, single with 3 kids. But what's more, I love it. I was at ease being a parent- it suited me, I always wanted a big family.

Nick helped with the children, as did Dean. Everyone was in harmony, and acting as part of our dysfunctional family... That I loved.

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