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--Thank you for the reads and likes already.

As I said before, I wrote this story to eliviate the trauma left behind from a horrible nightmare.

Hope you enjoy.

Sorry this chapter is so short... they do get longer, I promise.--

2 missed calls: Nick 

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone back on the bed, climbing out. My head swam with dizziness but I pushed through and dressed quickly, ready to start my day.

I didn't answer Nick's phone calls, I didn't listen to his repeated voicemails, and I didn't reply to his incessant texts. 
He was a playboy. It was obvious. 
He just wanted another night with me. 
Why though, I don't know. I'm nothing special.

Looking in the mirror, I wondered what he saw in me. What was it that he wanted? 

All I saw was a curvy woman of 5"1. My natural mahogany hair twirling down around my face; my too big sea blue eyes controlling most of my face; I looked like a baby with how innocent I looked... Paha. 
I had womanly curves and full, thick thighs... I had stretch marks and scars and flaws. 
See, nothing special. I was human. A woman. That was it. 

So what the hell did he see in me that had him coming back for more?

After we spent the night together, he demanded we exchange numbers, and said he'd call me later. 
Did he? 
Like fuck. 

I figured it out pretty quickly. I was just another notch in his bedpost... Or my bedpost, considering it was my bed... Floor... Wall... Sofa... Yes, well, anyway...
Whatever, it doesn't matter. He needs to move on and find someone else to toy around. 
I may have been easy enough to sleep with him after not knowing him at all, but I have enough respect to realise it was just one night and to move on from him. 

Legs closed for business. 

I just wished Nick would move on too... 

Anyway, that incredible night was 5 weeks ago- why he was still pestering me made no sense. But I wasn't one to analyse it. I had work to do. 
Not only work, but I had a 6 year old demanding breakfast. 

"Mummy, I said I wanted jam, not honey! You know I don't like honey anymore." My opinionated minx sighed; Violet was a beautiful brunette with bright blue eyes, a strong personality and an attitude to match. 
"Sorry. I'm not concentrating this morning. I'll do it again. Pour yourself some milk and it'll be ready in no time," I sighed back, popping more bread in the toaster. 

I've not been feeling myself for the past week. I'm just in a daze. Probably not getting enough sleep. 
Yeah, that's it. I've been having these odd dreams about hospital beds and bright lights above me. They've woken me up 5 nights this week and it's starting to affect my energy levels. 

Thankfully I'm working from home today, so as soon as Violet is off at school, I can get on with work. 

"Remember Daddy is picking me up today," Violet reminded me, "I've got tennis club and then I'm sleeping at Daddy's." 
I looked up at the calendar on the wall, and nodded, reading the notes, "ok baby, I've got it right here," I found myself pointing to the date;

17th February
'Tennis club. Violet at Dean's. Sleeping over- school trip tomorrow. 7.30am'

Wait... 17th February? 
Fuck shit fuck shit... 
No way!! 

I could feel the blood draining from my face as realisation hit. 
Counting on my fingers, I realised something insanely HUGE. 

9. Days. Late. 

Where the fuck was my period? 

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